Chapter Ten ~ Stella

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Chapter Ten ~ Stella

Groggily sitting up, Stella yawned loudly, blinking the sleep out of her eyes.  She heard a meow and looked over at the door to see Faery pawing at the door.  With a groan, she flopped back onto the bed, "Kat, let out your cat."

She waited, expecting a groan, or a sarcastic remark regarding what Stella had said... but nothing came.  Blinking, she looked over at Kat's bed, finding it to be empty.  Her brow furrowed, but she shook her head, deciding that she must've gone down to get some breakfast. 

"Pig," muttered Stella as she opened the door for Faery, who strode out with her held held high and her tail swishing lightly behind her.  Stella laughed loudly at the ruffled appearance Faery took on when Alastor and Calcifer shoved passed her and bounded down the steps.

Stella sobered and sighed as she turned to where Rose lay in bed, sleeping away.  Walking over, Stella shook her shoulder, all the while knowing the ravenette wouldn't wake up.  "Rose... Rosalind... Rosalind Potter...."


Smirking, Stella took out her wand and pointed it at Rose, whispering, "Aquamenti."

Water shot out of the tip, drenching Rose, who jerked up so quickly she fell out of the bed and onto the floor, taking the sheets with her so that she ended up in a tangled mess.  Spluttering, she glared at Stella, who smirked as satisfaction spread through her.

"What was that for, you prat?" Rose demanded as she worked on detangling herself from her soaking sheets.

"You wouldn't wake up," replied Stella matter-o'-factly, tucking away her wand as she shrugged.  "Now come on, it seems as though Kat's gone down to breakfast without us."

Rose stopped, blinking up at her as surprise flitted through her hazel orbs.  "Without us?  We usually have to wake her up.  She sleeps like the dead!"

Stella shrugged, hiding her worry, "She's had a lot on her mind recently, it' might've made her restless.  Either way, the more we stand here talking about it, the more food she's stuffing her face with, now come on!"

"Right, right..." muttered Rose, finally getting out of the sheets, which she promptly used magic to dry off and replace on her bed, far too lazy to do it manually, before drying herself off the same way.  As Rose went to her wardrobe to grab her Quidditch things, Stella went to hers and got her own.

Once they had changed, they went to the door, prepared to leave, when Stella spotted something out of the corner of her eye.  Kat's Quidditch gear.

She didn't stop though, and on the way down to the Great Hall - a journey which she hurried, needing to prove that Kat was fine - she spent her time and energy convincing herself that she had seen it wrong, that she was wrong.

But, when she got to the Gryffindor table, there was no sign of Kat.  Stella did see the Quidditch team, and she glanced at the replacement Chasers - who they had been training just in case - Angelina Johnson, Katie Bell, and Alicia Spinnet.

Runnign over to the table, Stella glanced at Rose before quickly telling them, "We won't be able to play today.  No time to explain, and I'm very sorry.  Good luck, though!"

And then Rose and Stella ran out of the Great Hall, ignoring the team's bewildered cries that followed them as they ran.

They had one thing in mind, and one thing only: Kat.

Mischief Not-Quite-Managed (Currently being revised and edited to the extreme)Where stories live. Discover now