Chapter Six ~ Kat

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Chapter Six ~ Kat

The weeks passed and Kat was very happy when Harry and Rose made up - she had been worried about both of their healths.  Rose was coming to the Gryffindor Tower again to sleep, to Quidditch practice (which they had three times a week), and they were up to their usual pranking again, much to Kat's relief.  However, she still disappeared off to somewhere every day after classes were over, with another excuse.  It was curious, but Kat refused to pry - not just yet, anyways.

It was Halloween, and the second full moon of the year was that night.  Kat was full of energy - the first Hogsmeade trip of the year was coming up, after all, and she was looking forward to a nice trip to Zonko's.

For something to do, she decided to take a walk down by the Black Lake, and when she got there, she found that she felt like she was being watched.  Shifting uncomfortably, she turned and saw two, red eyes peering out at her from in the Forbidden Forest, but she blinked and they were gone, making her frown and tilt her head to the side, confused.

After staring for a while, she shook it off and hurried back to the castle, only to get there just in time - apparently her little walk down to the Lake had taken longer than she had anticipated.  When she got there, she saw Harry looking rather forlorn as he watched the students, and she frowned before walking over and wrapping an arm around his shoulders.  "What's up, shrimp?"

He glanced up to her and then down to the students once more, "Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon didn't sign my permission slip - I can't go to Hogsmeade with Ron and Hermione and you guys."

Kat snorted, "How d'you think Rose is getting to Hogsmeade?"

He furrowed his brow, admitting, "I dont' know.  I was trying to figure it out."

"She forged your Uncle Vernon's signature obviously!" she said, pretending to be exasperated while she was really hoping to cheer him up, but she frowned at the way his sad expression returned.

"That won't work - McGonagall's already seen that they didn't sign."

A smirk lit up her face, "Then we'll have to go with secrecy."

"Dementors aren't fooled by Invisibility Cloaks, Kat," he sighed.  "I think I'll just go talk to Professor Lupin," and he was gone before Kat could tell him she didn't mean the Cloak.

Her mouth was positioned to call him back, but he had turned the corner and his footsteps had disappeared.  Sighing, she walked over to Stella and Rose, turning to Rose, "Harry's upset because he can't come."

Rose frowned, glancing between the group of students and Hogwarts, where Harry was, before groaning, "I'll go back to Hogwarts with him, I'll come next time."

Kat opened her mouth to protest, but Rose sent her a silencing look, and Kat clamped it shut as she watched her stride back into the castle.  Sighing, she turned to Stella, shrugging, "Come on, then, let's go..."

Kat found herself and Stella having much more fun than either of them would ever admit, as they still felt guilty for going without Rose.  Once they had done everything they had  originally planned on (Zonko's, Honeydukes, etc.), they headed to the Shrieking Shack for a visit.

Kat lookedat it and sighed, smirking at her friend, "Kind of makes you want to break into song, doesn't it?" she commented with slight sarcasm as they eyed the spooky building that they would spend the night in.  With a wink over at Stella, she added slyly, "Perhaps 'Who Let the Dogs Out' - or maybe 'Werewolves of London'?"

Stella scowled over at her, "We aren't even in London, idiot - it's this place 'Scotland', maybe you've heard of it."

Kat acted wounded, "Stella, your patronizing words hit me hard - right here," she said dramatically, grabbing Stella's hand and placing it over her heart.

Stella yanked her hand back with a small, playful glare over at Kat, "Why are my friends so strange?"

Kat shrugged, "Regardless, I was right - it doesn't that we're in Scotland now, because you're still from London, which means you are of London.  At least... I think it does," Kat finished, a confused frown on her face as she furrowed her brow.

Stella sighed exasperatedly, muttering something that sounded suspiciously like "Why do I even bother?"

Kat chose to ignore this last comment, grinning over at the brunette, "Either way, I can do the chorus-thingy - listen," she said, clearing her throat before howling, very realistically, as it was something she could do even when she wasn't a wolf.  She ended the howl, saying "Werewolves of London," before howling again.

Stella laughed slightly, shoving Kat, to which she grinned.  "Alright, alright, stop it!  You've driven away everyone else!"

Kat rose her eyebrows, looking around, "Have I now?"  Sure enough, everyone else had gone away, probably frightened out of their wits.  She snickered lightly at the thought, and looked at Stella mischievously.  "Well, that gives me privacy then."

Stella frowned, "If you're going to do what I think you're going to do, don't do it."

She groaned, "Stella... the only time I ever get to use my animagus is on the full moon...."

"Which is tonight, idiot," replied the brunette irritably.  She always became snappy and upset when the full moon was mentioned - all it did was remind her of her 'furry little problem'.

Kat gave her a pout and a full dose of her 'puppy dog eyes'.  "Please?"

Stella rubbed her temples and sighed, resembling McGonagall from the other night, but Kat shook the thought away with a grin as Stella gave in and nodded.  "Fine, fine...."

"Yes!"  Kat said happily, glancing around quickly before transforming into the familiar black wolf that her animagus took the form of.  She let her tongue loll out the side of her mouth.

As Kat ran around Stella in circles, she barked out a happy laugh, and Stella smirked down at her, "Kat, I think it says something when your laugh as a human sounds exactly like your laugh as a dog."

Glaring, Kat changed back, huffing out, "Wolf."

"Sure," Stella said offhandedly, and Kat gave her another glare before she turned and began to walk away.

"Come on, Lupin, we should be getting back - I expect Rose'll be bored and I am not letting her prank Snape without us there."

Kat heard Stella's chuckle and the footsteps walking up to her and felt Stella's arm go around her shoulders, "Yeah, I suppose that wouldn't do, would it?"

Grinning back, Kat replied "No it wouldn't - it wouldn't do at all."


Here you are, my lovelies!  Another installment in 'Mischief Not-Quite-Managed'!  Sorry for the lateness, but I swear, time has FLOWN by, seriously.  But, I decided now was as good a time as any, and since I shall be leaving tomorrow to spend some time away with my family in celebration of my birth, I wouldn't have gotten another chance to for about a week.  Therefore, this chapter is a bit shorter than I would've liked, but... I decided you all had waited long enough!  Thanks for reading, voting, commenting, etc.

Until we meet again!

...That sounded creepy, didn't it?  XD

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