Chapter Nine ~ Kat

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Chapter Nine ~ Kat

The day of the game Kat was up early - far earlier than she considered a decent time.  She didn't bother to determine the specific time, only knowing that when you are up and the morning is in a state of darkness still, it is too early.

She felt movement down by her feet and saw the dark form of her cat, Faery, stretching before she made her way over to Kat.  She purred slightly as she rubbed her head against Kat's affectionately, making her smile tiredly.  "Hey, pretty girl...."

Faery curled up into Kat's chest, blinking her amber eyes at her expectantly until Kat began to stroke her.  Another smile tilted the corners of her mouth upwards as Faery's eyes drifted shut, thoroughly enjoying the pampering she was receiving.

Kat looked out the window and at the moon - it may have been too early for her, but she had always thought the night was beautiful.  When the world was asleep, and the creatures of the night came out....

In a split second decision, she got out of her bed (despite the protests of Faery) and transformed, figuring it would be easier to sneak out.  She trotted out of the dormitories, through the common room, out into the corridors, and finally out on to the grounds.  She lifted her nose into the air and breathed deeply before howling softly.  She brought her nose down with a wolfy grin before taking off into a run, darting across the grounds and into the Forbidden Forest.

As she romped, Kat suddenly found herself stumbling into a clearing.  As she looked around, she noticed a figure in the center.  Looking closer, she suddenly realized that it was a human, though they were cloaked and hooded.

Transforming back, she spoke to the stranger, "Hello?  Are you alright?"

A light, feminine laugh echoed softly around them, but there was a steely undertone to it that sent shivers down Kat's spine and had the hairs on the back of her neck standing up on end.  "I'm fine - now that you're finally here, anyways."

Confused, but alert, Kat tried to push away her curiosity, but in the end it won out and she took a step closer.  "What?"

The laugh came once more and there was a sudden movement that the cloaked woman made and suddenly Kat was frozen, transfixed by two blood red eyes staring her down.  She couldn't move, and she felt something for the first time in years - fear.  It was slight, but she was scared nonetheless.

The woman slowly moved towards her, until she was right in front of her, and Kat could see her silver hair gleam, but this woman was not old in any terms of the word.  She was in fact, quite young.  It seemed that silver was her natural hair color.  As the woman raised and pale hand and touched it to Kat's face, she snapped out of it and immediately took and step backwards.

"Get away from me."

The woman's eyes lit up in sarcastic humor, but changed to something feral, something deadly in a split second that she took to pin Kat to the tree behind her.  "Trying to order me around?  Sorry, sweetie, but that's not how it works.  The pawns don't tell the players what to do," she whispered, pulling Kat's hair away from the side of her neck, and forcing her head to tilt, exposing more of it.  "Ah, lovely blood... magnificent blood running through your veins... such a waste, just leaving it there."

Kat's eyes widened and she struggled, but the woman - the vampire in front of her had an iron grip.  "What're you - "

She was cut off as she felt the vampire lick her neck before sliding her fangs into it.  At first she couldn't feel anything but disgust, but then she started to feel the pain.  It was intense, like someone had set fire to her insides and she was dying slowly.  She tried to scream, but the sound was lodged in her throat as she grew weaker and weaker, drifting in and out of consciousness.

The vampire released her and she slumped to the ground, in a state in between reality and unconsciousness.  Her eyes she couldn't keep open, and she couldn't move... but she could still hear, however vaguely.

"I-Is she..." a trembling, male voice asked.

"No," the vampire replied curtly.  "Just unconscious.  Though I must say, Wormtail, that you've done very... little in keeping up your end of the bargain so far."

Kat would've winced if she could have, and she could practically feel the fear coming off of the man that was on the receiving end of the vampire's malicious tone.  But the name... Wormtail... it rang a bell....

"B-but, y-you haven't g-given me any t-time!" he gasped out pathetically.  "The p-plan has only just-t b-begun!"

The vampire heaved a dramatic sigh, "Yes, but Wormtail, the quicker we can put this plan into action the quicker My Lord will be able to rise again."

"Y-Yes, of c-course."

"Good.  It seems... agreement.  Now... take her... hideout...."

As Kat's hearing failed her, she tumbled into a full state of unconsciousness, vaguely aware in the back of her mind that she had been lifted off the ground with magic, still wondering why and how she knew the pathetic little man 'Wormtail'.


Uh-oh... Kat's been taken!  And bitten by a vampire!  Ooh... what could this mean for her, I wonder?  Hee hee hee...  Anyways, sorry it's so short and all, but I wanted to save some things for Kat's next point of view.  Besides, letting you wait through Stella's and Rose's chapters in order to get back to Kat's sounds like fun!  ;)  It's my job as a writer to leave my readers wanting more, no?




& (please) KEEP READING!

Thanks a bunch, guys!

~ Marauder_Girlz

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