2) Speaking of Tolerance

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That night Toni slept over at Cheryl's house. You can imagine Penelope's surprise when she finally came home and her house was filled to the brim with people and, when she went to check on Cheryl, Toni was cuddled up next to her.

"Disgusting," Penelope mumbled as she softly shut Cheryl's bedroom door.

The next morning Cheryl and Toni woke up and went downstairs. Penelope had hired someone to make breakfast for the abundance of people, roaming about Thornehill.

Soon enough Cheryl ran into her mother and Penelope grabbed her arm and pulled her aside. "What do you think you're doing?"

"What do you mean. It's not my fault everyone showed up early," Cheryl defends herself.

"No, I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about her," Penelope says, looking at Toni with disgust.

Cheryl scoffs. "Toni is my girlfriend. Get use to it, mother," she says as she rips her arm away from her mother's grip and walks back over to where Toni is standing.

"What was that about?" Toni whispers.

"You, actually, but I don't care what my mother thinks. You're all I need," Cheryl says as she wraps her arms around Toni's waist and bends down to peck her lips.

"What was that for," Toni asks.

"Do I really need a reason to kiss my girlfriend?" Cheryl asks. "I mean my mother is no doubt seething with anger and aversion right now but that's just another excuse for me to kiss you again and again in front of her."

"I love you." Cheryl smiles at Toni's comment.

"And I love you more. We should eat some breakfast. Hungry?" Cheryl asks Toni as they make their way over to the dining room table.

"As if that's even a question," Toni responds and they both sit down to eat.

They ate and went upstairs to go get dressed and ready for the day.

"What should I wear? The red shirt with the black skirt or the white shirt with the red skirt?" Cheryl asks Toni.

"I'd go with the red shirt and black skirt," Toni replies.

"Good choice, babe," Cheryl says as she takes off her nightgown and Toni stares in admiration. Cheryl slips on her shirt and pulls up her skirt. "What are you going to wear?" Cheryl asks.

"I was thinking I'd wear my black top with some black pants. Keep it simple," Toni says as she stands up and starts to get changed, Cheryl watching her every move. "Damn, you can't keep your eyes off of me, can you, Blossom?" Toni asks.

Cheryl blushes and adverts her eyes somewhere else. Toni smirks at the shear power she has to turn Cheryl's hard exterior into a soft one.

"You're so cute," Toni says as she finishes getting dressed. "You know that?"

Cheryl smiles. "I've been told a few times before," she says.

"You're also the best girlfriend in the world," Toni compliments her again.

"Oh, I know, but so are you," Cheryl says, wrapping her arms around her girlfriends tiny waist and kissing her cheek. "We should head downstairs. Who knows what my nightmare of a mother has planned for today."

They head downstairs and sure enough, Penelope announces that she wants everyone gathered in the parlor.

Everyone's eyes were on Penelope. She did her best to gain her composure but every time she would see Cheryl and Toni together she'd have to take a deep breath and try to relinquish the look of horror on her face.

"Hello, everyone. I'm glad you could all make it," Penelope starts her speech. "We are gathered here today to perform the annual tree tapping ceremony. Unfortunately, Clifford will not be joining us but he is here in spirit. I hope you all know I have great aspirations for the family company, however my daughter, Cheryl, is legally allowed to run the family business when she turns 18. In the meantime, I will be the head runner. Is anyone opposed to this?"

The room is silent.

"Fantastic," Penelope says. "Now, Cheryl, if you'll come up and say a few words."

Cheryl smiles and walks up to the podium. "Hello. I know a lot of you don't think that I'm fit to run the family business and to be honest I think some of you may be right. However, I have great plans for the family business. I've set some rules in which I'd like to follow when I turn 18 and I hope you'd all agree. Number one: no more selling drugs. That turned out disastrous and ethically I don't think that using this business to sell drugs is okay. Number two: no more scamming people and hurting them for our own benefit. And finally, number three: everything I do will be 100% legal. No illegal business. Is anyone opposed to any of this?" Cheryl asks.

No one disagrees.

"Great. Lastly I would just like to say that for the actual tree tapping ceremony I will be tapping the tree while my wonderful girlfriend, Toni, holds the bucket. I know some of you are opposed of who I am with but I hope we can all coexist peacefully. That will be all." Cheryl finishes her speech and walks away from the podium and over to her girlfriend. Everyone got up to continue roaming about her house.

"That was fantastic," Toni says. "You are going to make a great business woman someday."

"Cheryl," Penelope says to get her attention,

"Yes, mumzy?" Cheryl turns around to look at her mom.

"You did very well on your speech. Hopefully between what we both said we have convinced them to not try to take over the business."

"Yeah, hopefully," Cheryl responds.

"Also," Penelope says, "I apologize for how I've been acting. I may not agree with who you choose to date, Cheryl, but you are still my daughter and I've decided that I'm not going to reprimand you for it."

"Thank you. That means a lot," Cheryl says with a small smile.

"Yes, thank you, Mrs. Blossom. I know I'm not your favorite person but it means a lot to hear that from you," Toni says with a serious expression.

Penelope forces a smile. "Well, hating your guys' relationship has gotten me nowhere so I figured if I at least try to tolerate it I might get somewhere."

"Again, thank you," Toni says.

"Yeah," Cheryl agrees, "any support is still support and that's all we really need right now."

"Yes, well then, if you two need anything I'll be off trying to entertain our guests," Penelope says and turns around and walks away.

The morning went by fast. Soon, it was the afternoon and almost time for the tree tapping ceremony. Tensions were high and specific people were plotting the downfall of the current Blossom family business holders.



I'm going to try and work ALOT on Penelope's development from a hatred, spite filled mother to a caring and nurturing one. Not sure how that'll turn out but like I said, I'm working on it.

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