5) Missing

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The next day at school was just like any other normal day to Riverdale high, except for the fact that today Cheryl didn't seem like herself.

Everyone noticed but no one would dare comment on it except for Toni. Cheryl was kind and gentle with Toni and with each passing day that Toni was there with her, Cheryl seemed to change. She became a happier, kinder person because of Toni.

"Hey, babe," Toni says as she catches up with Cheryl in the hall.

"Hey," Cheryl says. Her expression seemed blank and her eyes looked like deep pools of sorrow.

"Are you alright?" Toni whispers.

"I'm fine," Cheryl replies, looking straight ahead.

Toni slips her hand into Cheryl's as they walk. "Fine, I'll leave you alone for now but you're talking to me after school. Meet me in our spot."

"Whatever you say," Cheryl says sweetly and stops walking. "I have get into class. I'll see you later," she says, now looking at Toni.

Toni reaches up and pecks her lips, "Bye, love you." She says and Cheryl smiles as she watches Toni walk away.

"Love you too," Cheryl says quietly. Way too quiet for Toni to hear as she was already all the way down the hall.

After school Cheryl met Toni behind the school in their spot.

"Hey," Toni says, sitting down on a weathered bench.

Cheryl sits down beside her.

Toni sighs. "Are you okay? I know I've asked a million times but I wouldn't ask if I wasn't worried."

"No, TT, I'm not okay. I was right. Last night my Aunt came into my room and tried to tell me that I was a horrible person and that I'll never own the family business now that I'm dating a woman. The tone in her voice was awful. She threatened to kill me, Toni. I can't stay in that house anymore." Cheryl explains.

"Oh my god, that's horrible. Listen to me, after school go home, pack a bag, and come to my house. We will figure something out, okay?" Toni assures her.

"I will. I should go do that now. I'll let you know if anything happens. I love you," Cheryl says and gives Toni a kiss.

"I love you too. Be careful," Toni says after they separate.

They stand up and walk to the parking lot out front. Cheryl gets into her car and Toni gets onto her motorcycle.

"Bye," Cheryl says as she drives off to her house.

Toni rides her motorcycle to her trailer and decides to tidy up while waiting for Cheryl.

A half an hour later Toni calls Cheryl. There is no answer. She calls 3 more times but every time it go straight to voice mail. Worried about Cheryl, Toni hops onto her motorcycle and arrives at her house in under 5 minutes.

Toni knocks on the front door and an unfamiliar face opens the door. "May I help you?" they ask.

Toni pushes past them and walks inside, heading into the living room where Aunt Linda, Grandma Sherri, and Penelope were having a discussion.

"Where is Cheryl?" Toni asks in a worried voice.

Aunt Linda chuckles. "I don't know what you're talking about, dear."

Toni looks at Penelope who is looking at her with a concerning look on her face.

"I think you should leave," Penelope says as she stands up. "I'll walk you to the door."

"What?" Toni asks but Penelope keeps silent until they get over to the door.

"Find her," Penelope whispers as she pushes Toni outside and closes the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2018 ⏰

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