3) Rivals

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Everyone headed outside and gathered around the largest maple tree on the property. It was cold, but unlike last year there was no snow on the ground.

Cheryl, Toni, and Penelope gathered in front of everyone,

"Today is a day of renewal," Penelope says. "It's a day of forgiveness and reunitement."

"Yes," Cheryl chimes in, "and it is my great honor to be tapping this tree today. Toni if you will," she says and Toni puts the bucket under the shiny metal tree tap.

Very carefully but with plenty of force, Cheryl swings the mallet and taps the tree. Immediately, syrup starts pouring out of the tree and everyone claps. Toni puts the bucket on the hook and stands up.

"Now, if you will all head inside," Penelope advises, "food is set out for everyone."

Everyone makes their way back to the house. Cheryl and Toni intertwine their fingers as they make their way back too. Penelope walks next to them,

"Cheryl," Penelope says, "you, did well. Like I said, today is a day of forgiveness, therefore, I'm hoping you can forgive me."

"For what, exactly, am I forgiving you for?" Cheryl asks.

"Well, for starters, sending you away to the horrible institution that I sent you to, to try and fix you. I see that didn't work and realized that I can't fix who you are. You are simply you," Penelope says.

"Since you asked, yes, I can forgive you for that," Cheryl replies, "but I hope you understand that even though you can't "fix" me, I never needed fixed in the first place. I'm truly happy and that's all that should really matter."

"Yes, I understand," Penelope replies. "Also, Toni, despite what you may think, I don't hate you. I don't think my daughter has been happier with anyone else and I thank you for that."

"Really?" Toni asks. "Thank you, Mrs. Blossom, it means the world to hear you say that."

"Please, call me Penelope," she says with a smile.

They all finish walking back to the house in a peaceful silence. Once they got back to the house Cheryl and Toni went upstairs to Cheryl's room.

"I'm shocked," Toni says as Cheryl shuts the door.

"Me too," Cheryl responds. "I'm worried that it's all an act."

"Act or not," Toni says, "at least she's not being a total snob like she has been in the past."

"True," Cheryl says as she lays down on her bed.

Toni lays down beside her and grabs her hand. "God," she says.

"What?" Cheryl asks.

"I just love you so much," Toni answers. "You are quite literally the best thing that has ever happened to me."

"Oh really?" Cheryl asks and partially sits up. She leans over and kisses Toni's lips. Toni kisses her back and Cheryl climbs over top of Toni and straddles her. They continue to make out for a few minutes before Cheryl pulls away. "We should probably head down for dinner."

Toni grabs the sides of Cheryl's shirt and pulls her down into one more short kiss. "If you insist," she says.

Cheryl hops off of Toni and Toni stands up. They go back downstairs and enter the dining room where everyone was already sitting down.

"Glad you finally decided to join us," Aunt Linda comments. "What the took you so long?"

Cheryl smiles as her and Toni sit down. "Oh, you know, just making out with my girlfriend, the usual."

I Need You // A Choni Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now