Chapter 2

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I was in my bedroom deciding what to take and what to leave behind- Okay so I wasn't really leaving it behind, I was just not taking it to school. Emmy was sitting on my bed taking a quiz in one of those girly magazines. Seventeen, I think it was called. Thinking about this I thought about the Magic magazines we were now allowed to buy.

As I was packing I let my mind wander to all the memories I had in this room. Inviting my friends over, playing truth or dare, writing stories that would never be published. But one memory stood out over all the rest. I felt tears prick my eyes as I thought about it. That one time, that one memory.


2 years ago

It started at school. Everyone thought I was weird because I had two friends. My sister and some weird kid that lived down the road from me, but it didn't matter because he was a Magic too. One girl who was nice enough feel bad for me and my sister, invited us to sit with her and her friends at lunch. Her name was Erin and she was popular. So, of course, we accepted. We knew we weren't supposed to hang out with mortals, but what could sitting with them at lunch do? Nothing, right? Wrong!

Amelia kept her cool and didn't let them in, but I couldn't. It felt good to fit in. I even slept over at one of the girl's houses. They were all so nice; I didn't see how they could be all that bad. We became my friends.

Amelia tried to warn me, but I wouldn't listen. One night I took it too far. I snuck out to go to a party at Erin's house. Like a real party with boys and beer the whole nine yards. It all sounded wild in my head. One guy was really nice to me and after a couple beers, I started telling him about Magics. I was too disoriented to even notice what I was doing, well I noticed. But, with my head drowned in all sorts of alcohol every word trailed effortlessly out my mouth.

That was when my parents showed up with Emmy by their side. I was so embarrassed of my naive self I didn't even think about how everyone else felt about this. At the same sense, they practically saved me from a horrible fate. They dragged me home, arms linked to mine as my feet slid against the flooring. I tried fighting back but it was no use, I was outnumbered and drunk.

The car ride seemed like forever and the constant rattling of my body made getting out of the car a chore. They sat me down in my room after I threw up in the bushes. They yelled at me and my father beat me and my mother cried. My sister watched the whole thing. I felt the tears steam down my cheeks. They locked me in my room and left to deal with the boy who knew about Magics. The tears kept coming. I never saw that boy again. I'm pretty sure he got brainwashed. Or, at least I hope so because that's probably the least horrible thing they would do to him.

I hadn't realized when people said their skin turned a million shades of black and blue they meant it literally. I learned to cover up my bruises, it wouldn't be the last time either. My sister and I transferred to a private school and never saw any of those people again. In a way, I'm glad. But part of me wished I could have faced them, just to see what would happen.

It took me a year to patch everything up. At first, I started to spiral down a bad path. I started cutting and locked myself in my room most of the time. I wouldn't eat and I cried a lot. Then, I met a girl at my school that had gone through similar times. She too had made friends with mortals and haven't seen them in forever. Her name is Dessiré. I started making friends at my school which, since it's a private school, had more Magics attending. Everything went almost back to the way it was, except my sister would forever more be the better twin. The favored twin. The Pretty One. The Smart One. The Put-Together One. The One Who Has Things Figured All Out.

And that made me feel like the Ugly One. The Stupid One. The Crazy One. The One with Issues. The Pathetic One. The One Who Cries. My head starts to rapidly ache and I start to feel anxiety attacks coming on whenever I thought like that. But I've learned to fight it.
But trust me, it still hurts.

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