Chapter 6

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Monday morning I plop down next to Ivy at one of the tables in the courtyard. It was a beautiful day. Although, come to think of it, the school never seemed to be affected by weather anyway.

Saturday after the kiss, Vince and I just sort of said goodbye. When he hugged me he said itwas gonna be okay but I'm not sure i believed him. But whenever I think about the kiss I just sorta melt. It was by far the best kiss I'd ever had. It was just... magical. Everything about it was magical. Magical, magical, magical. I love that word. A special little word saved especially for those moments you feel like you're floating.

"Hey, girl you're in your thinking world."

"Huh. Oh right."

"What could you possibly be thinking bout. With that look on your face I'd think you're in lo-" She stops and looks at me staring into my cereal. "Oh my god who is he?"

"Who's who?" I try to act innocent.

"Oh c'mon, you know you can't lie to me who's the guy, what does he look like, spill." Ivy can be real persistent.

"Okay, fine. His name is Vince. Tall, dark hair, gree-"

"Wait the Vince." What's her problem?

"Uh, maybe?"

"Vince the child prodigy?"

"Yep that's the one," I say remembering our conversation on the track. "We met up because he was gonna give me a sword fighting lesson and he gave me this when none of the other swords really worked for me." I pull the pin out of my hair for her to see. Ivy gasps and gingerly takes it out of my hand.

"I thought this thing was only a myth!" She gives it back to me keeping it as far away from herself as it's cursed.

"Well here it is.It turns into a sword but I haven't quite figured it out yet. There has to be a trigger word or something." I turn the pin in my palm, studying it. It's probably the most valuable thing I own and then some. I try to never let it out of my hair except for when I'm sleeping.

"Okay enough about the extremely cool pin. What about Vince did know..."

"Oh my god, Ivy, NO! How could you think so little of me, god." I slap her arm. That girl needs to get a grip. "But..." Ivy perks up listening. "There may have been some making out action, on the floor, with him on top of me."

"Oh my god, Andrea! You made out with Vince Radner. He's like a legend, you know. Voted most likely to get Chosen every year for the last 5 years in a row. I can believe he even looked at you. Oh my god, what I would pay for one night with that hunk of man."

"Ivy, gross!" I playfully shove her shoulder. I mean he is very hot. And very legal too. Legally, I can do whatever I want with him. I smile at the thought.

"Oh c'mon you're thinking it too! I can see it on your face!" Now Ivy and I are are laughing our fool heads off. And it feels good to just be friends with someone without worrying about what I'm saying or screwing it up.

"What can you see on who's face?" Dean slides in on Ivy's other side and kisses her without a care in the world. Someday, it could be like that with Vince. Oh man, this boy is taking over my life.

"Oh nothing, ourn friend Andy here just has a boyfriend of her own, now, she doesn't need to use you anymore." Ivy smirks in my direction.

"Oh she would never use me right, Andy?" Dean's got a fire in his eye, meaning he's up to no good. No good at all.

"Never!" I exclaim acting as dramatic as possible. I even add a gasp in my voice and a hand on my heart before I burst out laughing. Dean chuckles right along with me.

"No but really? You've got a guy? Who is he?" Geez he's got almost almost as many questions as Ivy.

"First, he's not my boyfirend. Yet. And second, his name is Vince, according to Ivy, the Vince Radner."

"Wow that's high class living. Good job kiddo!" Dean gives me a high five and I take it even though it's not a big deal.

Okay, who am I kidding it's a huge deal.


"Please make sure to practice for your bunny test tomorrow and try not to kill any while you're at it."

Crap. The teacher's reminder at the end of class was only forcing me to admit the inevitable. I suck at magic. Today when I did the bunny trick, Instead of changing the color of it's fur... I turned it into a frog. I slam the door to my dorm and let out a frustrated sigh as I drop my bag on the floor.

"Wow, somebody looks like they could use a cup of tea." She snaps her fingers and sure enough, tea appears on the desk next to her.

"You know we're not supposed to use magic unless it's absolutely neccessary." I take the tea anyway (it is in my favorite mug), leaning up against the wall on my bed. "I'm gonna fail the bunny test."

"Ah, the dreaded bunny test. I was worried to death about that test."

"Really! How'd you figure it out."

"I don't know... it just sort of... came to me the night before the test when I was about ready to give up." My heart sinks. I really thought Ivy was gonna have the answers.

"Ughhh." I pull the practice bunny out of my bag, which, is currently still in frog form.

"Let's start," Ivy rolls the rolly chair toward the spot where I sat the bunny-frog on the floor and changes it back to bunny,"with this. Okay now make it blue." I point to the bunny and think blue but nothing happens.

"It's no use." I growl in frustration.

"Try green." I sigh and try to clear my head. Green. I point at the bunny and suddenly feel a weird little tug in my stomache, barely noticable but the same tug I felt with the pepsi can. As I open my eyes, the bunny that was once carmel and white is now... GREEN!

"Green! GREEN! The bunny is green! I did it! I did it! I did it!" I do a little victory dance then pick up the green bunny and rub my nose to his. I notice a low chuckle coming from the doorway and spin around to become face-to-face with Vince.

"I... uhhh." I feel my face get hot.

"Cute." He says, taking the still green bunny from my hands. It wriggled around and jumped to the floor, sniffing my legs. I decide now would be a good time to put the bunny in it's cage before it runs away. Then I wonder, can I chamge the colors of other things. I will Vince's dark shirt to turn white and with the indescribable tug in my stomache, sure enough his shirt is white.

"Woah, you're actually getting the hang of this." Ivy notes. Vince is still staring at his shirt in shock.

"I thought you said you were failing your magic related classes?"

"I was, still am technically."

"'re not anymore." Vince stuffs his hands in his pockets. He's so cute when he's awkward. I can't help it. I stand up on my tiptoes and peck his lips. That's not a good term to use there. And kiss him lightly, there, that's better.

"Well... I think I'm gonna go..." Vince awkwardly reaches behind his head to scratch his neck. God, why does he have to be so damn cute. "I'll see you to ladies around." He walks out the door.

Before I can help it I'm running after him. When I catch up to him I jump in front of him and kiss him passionatly, before pulling away quickly. "See ya!" Then I turn and run back to my dorm leaving Vince dumbfounded.

Man, I love rendering boys speechless


woohoo chapter six! I know I havent updated in forever and im sorry for that but im gonna try to get back on it. i hope to have another chapter up by wednesday but im kinda busy this week so it might not happen. lots of love!


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