Chapter 3

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As soon as we entered the enormous courtyard I felt my heart jump into my throat. I could feel myself slipping away. Snap out of it! You have to stay focused.

Okay, i can do this. Okay... no I can't.

"C'mon. Food's this way." Ivy pulled me towards the tables lined with barbeques and topped with all kinds of salad. They had potato, chicked, curry, iceburg, mixed greens. You name it, it was there. I got a small plate with a couple ribs and some potato salad. "You eat like a pigeon," Ivy s commented with a chuckle.

"I guess I never noticed." Actually, I haven't had quite the appetite the last couple years, imagine that. Just then I noticed a boy at the edge of the courtyard. He was tall, dark hair, stunning green eyes, your stereotypical ladykiller. But there was something unusual about him. Everyone seemed to skirt around him like he was some horrid creature when all i wanted to do was get up and walk towards him. I sat back startled. I hadn't thought that about anyone since...

"I... I think I'm gonna go get a drink." I said staring at him all the while. "You can have the rest of my food."

"Sweet!" Dean grabs my plate and scraps my food onto it. I walk towards the boy... no, man, definitely a man but he seemed young, maybe nineteen.

"Um, hi." Stupid you couldn't think of anything more intelligent to say?

"To what do I owe the pleasure of meeting you, Miss...." Damn, that could be the sexiest voice I have ever heard.

"Andrea, well, most people just call me Andy," I blurted.

"Well, Andy, there must be some reason for you leaving your, I asume, newly aquired friends to meet the handsome stranger."

"I was just curious. Wondering why everyone seemed to be avoiding you while i was being sucked in." I leaned in on that last part lowering my voice ever so slightly. I turn and walked with confident strides towards the barrels filled with Pepsi. I was quite proud of myself for the first time... in forever


I grabbed a soda and made my way back to my seat. I secretly wished that it was a coke but whatever. Suddenly there was a flash of wierd dust and... it was a coke. Ivy stared at me with her mouth open, her fork poised in the air. "You sure you're a first year cause I can't even do that and this is my third."

"Uhh I'm not sure how I did that." I was still staring at the drink in my hand with my eyes wide. I could feel eyes on me from all directions. My moment of victory was gone and i just wanted to crawl under the covers. I took off towards the dorms feeling a sudden wave of tears coming on. What the hell is wrong with me? Nothing, nothing is wrong. No, evrything is wrong with me. Why would i run away like that. Why couldn't I stop myself from closing up when eyes were on me, even when it was for a good thing. Why, just why.


It was Christmas Eve. I was thirteen. I had a nice family, good friends and a roof over my head. I didn't know who I was or what I was. Until that day. Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve.

My parents ran out to the store because they ran out of rosemary for the pork roast my mother was making. Amelia and I were home alone. It was then that they came. They barged throught the doors and told Amelia, Say another word and you die. I was in the basement finishing the present i had made for mum. I quickly grabbed dad's shotgun out of the old dresser and shoved it in the waistband of my skirt under my shirt flap when they came down the stairs. They dragged me up where I found my sister gagged and crying. They took us into a sleek black car, blindfolded us and drove away. We were taken into a room gaurded by to... creatures. They weren't human the had long reptilian tails and fur with spots covering their human like figures. As soon as i jeard comotion outside I pulled out the gun. I bodyslammed the door open only to be greeted with a fight between people using magic with swirls on their arms. I shot the two creatures and collapsed, exhasted and in tears. They may not have been human but they did have souls. And I killed them. I... was a murderer.

It was that night. Well, really the next morning at 3am our parents told us of the Magics. That night they kill off a good chunk of what they called The Evil but their leader got away. As they told us this, I sat on my bed, hugging a pillow, rocking back and forth trying to wrap my brian around it. Not the whole Magic thing but the fact that I killed something. Somehow my name and murderer didnt fit together in my mind. I tried to sleep but for days all that I saw when I closed my eyes was me with a gun and all I heard was my sister's screams.


Woohoo!! New chapter! I did this all tonight because i couldn't sleep. I have ideas for the next chapter and i think i'm gonna make it reeeaaaalllllyyyy long so stay tuned. Ehat do you think of our mystery man? How about Andrea's past? Leave your feedback in the comments i love hearing wht you have to say.


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