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i'm sorry.

yongsun says that it's okay,
that it isn't my fault that you're here now.

i know she's just trying to make me feel better.

it's not okay,
it's all my fault.

if only i didn't insist on going to the beach,
if only i didn't drag you into the water,
none of this would have happened.

i was pretty drunk that night,
but that doesn't make all of this any less of my fault.

are you angry at me?
is that why you're not responding?

i wish i could fix this,
the mess i've created,

but i can't do anything,
except sit here each day hoping
to once again see the sparkle in your eyes that I've become so familiar with.

I'm so selfish,
I'm really sorry byul.

your love,
hyejin <3


“let’s go, Byul-ah. i want to go to the sea.” Hyejin threw her arms around her girlfriend in the driver’s seat.

“No Hyegi, it’s late you’re drunk and you have work tomorrow. We’re going home.” Byulyi refused to start the car. She knew hyejin was obviously intoxicated and would wake up the next morning with a migraine, at best.

“Fine! I’ll walk there myself,” Hyejin pouted.

Byulyi couldn’t bear to see her girlfriend upset, despite knowing this was just another of her drunk behaviours.

“Okay, okay. We’ll go to the beach, but only for fifteen minutes. You have to go to school early tomorrow.” Byulyi started the car and drove off.

About fifteen minutes later the two of them were leaning against the cool metal railing that separated the empty boardwalk from the shallow water.

“Byul-ah! can i go into the water? it looks fun.” Hyejin tugged on Byulyi’s sleeve like a little girl asking for a lollipop in a candy store.

Byulyi couldn’t resist her puppy-eyed look and relented, knowing that she’d have trouble bringing Hyejin home and putting her to sleep later on.

“Byul-ah, come into the water with me! It feels so good!” Hyejin shouted as she splashed in the waist-deep water.

Byulyi just laughed and shook her head, enjoying her girlfriend’s antics. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to, just that-

“What do you mean no? You’re missing out on the fun!” Hyejin came up to her, interrupting her thoughts. She began to drag byulyi into the water.

“Hyejin-ah i don’t think this is a good idea, i can’t swim as well as you and the waves look big-” Byulyi stuttered as they approached the water.

Hyejin just laughed it off, “I’ll protect you, I promise”. Those were the last words she was able to tell Byulyi before she was thrown against the breakwater and slipped from consciousness.

Hyejin blinked and a tear slid down her cheek as she recalled the turn of events that night. “I’m sorry byul-ah, I broke my promise. It’s all my fault.”

She stared at the girl lying on the hospital bed in front of her, the only sign of life being her chest slowly rising and falling amidst the beeping of the heart rate monitor.

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