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A letter to Hyejin

It's been six months, how are you?
Remember the letters you wrote to me, half a year ago? I told you i had no recollection of anything you said in those letters.
But i think i remember now.

The day we first met in middle school, your cute smile when you told me your name was Ahn Hyejin; the day of our camping trip, where you were so scared of the wild boars; all our trips to the cliffs whenever either of us were feeling down; even the day before i almost lost forever all the memories i hold so closely; they've all come back to me now.

I'm sorry for putting you through all this pain, I don't know if you'll ever forgive me for it. But I really want to tell you this;
I remember you promised me that you'd be strong after I graduated, and I think that you've been incredibly strong so far, I'm so proud of you.

I miss you Hyejin, I really hope we can go back to being how we used to be. But if you don't want to, then I understand, it's okay too. I love you Hyejin <3


uwu hello it's me! so like more than six (?) months after i published the story i decided to write an epilogue? hahaha this is super random but i hope you like it!

thank you for all the support for "i'll wait", i really never expected this to hit over 1k reads actually :") i'll try my best to reply to your comments hehe!

i'm still relatively new to writing so you have any suggestions to help me improve do feel free to comment hehe your feedback is greatly appreciated! <3

thank you!

i'll wait | hwabyul |Where stories live. Discover now