Chapter 3

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-I'm Sorry Max-

Max's Point of View

I woke up to the quite chirps of the birds, that sound coming from every direction.

I felt covered in the warmth of something that made me feel safe. I had yet to open my eyes, but I could feel I was laid in a comfy bed. Better than the one at 'home'. Or any of the places I had ever 'lived'.

I didn't feel like waking up. It seemed, exhausting. But I knew I had to. Just to make sure. Just to make sure I wasn't near them.

I opened my eyelids slowly, only to reveal a wooden wall, that illuminated by the sunlight, from what I'm only guessing, the window behind me. I was only a couple of inches away from the wall.

My arm laid in front of me, and you could see my caramel skin. I wasn't wearing my hoodie, but I was covered in a green blanket. After a couple of seconds, I got the courage to roll onto my back and sit up. I glanced around the room I was in- two filing cabinets, two desks, and anther bed in the opposite corner of the one I was in.

This was the counseling office for this camp.

3rd point of view

'Ah god fucking dammit-'

The door opened with a loud creek.

"MAX! YOU'RE AWAKE!" Said a loud, chipper voice. A voice way to happy, for the time. Chills ran up Max's spine as he realise the figure he had yet to greet with his teal eyes. His brows furrowed, and he grinded his teeth. His face heated up. Max's breaths picked up, and the pair at the door picked this up.

"Hey buddy, is everything ok?" Said the voice once more, yet a lot more calm and warming. Max paced his breath, and he no longer felt anger. David was the third to last person he wanted to see. He knew David, and didn't want him to be involved, yet he wished David would.

He felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked out of the corner of his eyes, and was greeted by welcoming eyes, and a warm smile.  David's green eyes scanned Max for any sign that he was hurt; as well as trying to read him.

Max averted his eyes, and stared at the soft blue blanket covering him. Not speaking.

David removed his hand, and glanced back at Gwen, whom had now closed the door behind her, as she had entered. Both of them not knowing what to say.

Earlier they had discussed calling the cops, or trying to contact Max's parents. Which showed them, that Max's parents hadn't written their number on the sign up sheet for camp, which made Gwen want to call the cops more. David talked her down though, and suggested asking Max.

"Hey Max." David started calmly, rubbing his back with his hand.

"How are you feeling?" He replied, trying to not pester Max with questions apon questions. Max, again, didn't say a thing. David just awkwardly sat at the edge of the bed, rubbing Max's back.

"Alright Fuck it- Max, what the fuck are you doing here?" Gwen yelled, crossing her arms.

"Gwen!" David yelled in a high pitched voice, forcing his head to look at Gwen. Out of reckon  David clenched Max's Yellow Camp Camp shirt in his hand. Making Max flinch for a second, bit as soon as it happened, Max's reaction disappeared.

"David! We can't just let this slide, it's ether we ask him, or call the police!" Gwen said rather loudly, earning an upset look from David, eh in reaction, brought Max into an odd hug. Max was confused, and didn't know what to do.

"My Run Away Son"- Camp Camp; DADVID-JASVIDWhere stories live. Discover now