Chapter 4

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-Nightmares in Max's heart & mind-

❗⚠️❗Warning- Homophobia, bullying, talk of Abuse, talk of cheating, parents fighting, the system, Cheating- Slight blood, Verbal Abuse- Suicide❗⚠️❗

3rd Point of View

Max's dreams-

"Why can't you just listen to me?"


"I Just want to know!"

"Are the rumors true!? Are you sleeping with her?"

"Stop making up fake shit, to make yourself feel better with me catching you with Bradley in our bed!"

They screamed at each other until their breaths and voices gave out. Screaming Lies and slurs- both filling his young ears. Both keeping the neighbors and their son awake.

There was a bang at the door.

"Police- open up!"

Their screams so loud- they couldn't even hear themselves, screaming over the constant banging pleading. Max silently made his way past them to open the door. He gripped the Golden door knob tight, his breath hitched, and he soon pulled open the door. A tall man in a blue uniform hovered above him- his eyes were a piercing blue. So cold and emotionless... Max only remember those eyes, because- because he kept seeing them. Over and over.

They were the eyes that took him from his parents that fateful night. And the ones that forcefully took him back to them again.

The ones that haunt his nightmares. The ones that forced him into court more then once.

The man had grabbed Max with such force. Causing Max to shriek loudly. Enough to make his own ears bleed. He screamed so loud- his voice went horse, and it even felt as though it was bleeding. Tears kept falling down his face. His breathing picked up, as felt his skin being stabbed with needles apon needles.

The words "Suffer you mistake." Ran through his ears, along with other slurs from family, and peers- "No one Fucking loves you!"; "I feel so bad for your parents, having to deal with you- No wonder they hit you."; "You deserve it!"; "Freak!"; "Die you queer!";

Max felt his heart sank, soon before him stood three people. One with red hair geled up- he stood in the middle. On the right of him, was a shorter person, a child, with brown poofy hair. On the left. It was a girl. Teal piggy tails. Neil, Nikki, and David. They were the source that these slurs were now coming from.

"Die. Leave this planet. The world will be better off." Nikki chanted.

"No one cares about you Max. I don't. You're worthless!" Neil chanted.

"I don't care about you Max. You make me sick. I hate you! You're worthless. Garbage. No one cares about you Max- just kill yourself Max, you'd do us a favor." David smiled. Those words. From all three, stung. But from David. It hurt worse.

"My Run Away Son"- Camp Camp; DADVID-JASVIDWhere stories live. Discover now