Chapter Three: Your Woman

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There is a place I go to that calms the voices in my head. Not metaphorically mind you. I am not a crazy person. A small patch of land surrounded by tall oak trees led by a trail connecting to my backyard. Sitting right on the edge of a nearby freeway.

In times of overwhelming stress, you will find me out there either critically thinking or screaming my larynx out. My hideout has seen me through some of toughest times.

It's funny really. How I escape the personal crisis of the outside world by containing myself within nature.

I have learned a lot about society including myself, but one point stayed with me my life. Everything has an end. My father, competitive seasons on overwatch and even stars. They seem to illuminate the night skies, but the one you have your eye on might already be dead.

I worry that Lapis is my dying star. A beautiful twinkle in my eye that's already long gone.

"You know, you really don't seem like the ideal partying type Peridot. You come off as some Dorito-binging gamer girl who doesn't adjust well in the sunlight."

"Okay, I get it! Geez." I retorted.

"C'mon it's cute tho, you're cute, I mean."

I gazed off into the middle distance hoping she doesn't catch the sudden colorization in my cheeks, then I decided to come clean.

"Well, my mom made me go. She already made the reservation hoping that would make me weasel out of it and said I needed to make friends; the type of friends you don't scream at for messing up on a video game."

"Hmm...Smart woman" she reluctantly said gripping my midsection tighter, " that neighborhood mingles party, did you snag any numbers?"

"At the party? Nope. After the party? Yeah." I said speaking in riddles.

"Interesting. Pretell."

"I was walking home and this girl is out jogging. She stopped right in front of me because she noticed we were wearing the same Camp Pining Hearts bracelet. For what seemed like awhile we talked about the show, it was nice. She gave me her number and said she was running late for work."

"Wow did you call her?"

"Hell no, a few hours later my house got invaded!" I said jokingly.

"Oh har har nice one Peridot. Woah looks like we are nearing the end of Season One."

I look up to her, "I just think it's funny how we watched the whole season and you have already seen it but not the others."

"Oh stop. There's nothing wrong with a little refresher." Lapis whispered slyly, "Plus I'm having so much fun"

"Oh yeah, I can tell" After I said that she giggled knowing exactly what I meant. Referring to how bold she became once again by climbing behind me to spoon on the couch. It became a little nerve-racking at first but after awhile she began lightly petting my stomach sending me into a euphoric state.

" I saw an opening and seized it, just in my nature." Lapis smiled as she fondled my torso ever so lovingly. " You seem to be having fun too."

"I am," I admitted. Something inside of me really wanted more from Lapis as if desire and lust overclouded my judgment.

Feelings I haven't quite felt before. Not just the cuddling, but her roaming hand that grazed my hip, left thigh and the occasional butt grab. Giving Lapis much easy access due to the both of us in our panties.

Then the credits started rolling.

Suddenly I got up, breaking our spoon in hopes to put on Season two. However, Lapis reached out and grabbed my arm which stopped me right in my tracks.

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