2. Just friends

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 Today was my first day at Hogwarts, on the train Draco introduced me to Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle, I later figured out that Crabbe and Goyle were very stupid. Blaise was alright but he kept staring at me. Draco gave him death glares and pulled me tighter against him. I am pretty used to Draco getting jealous. When we got to Hogwarts I had to go and stand with the first years to be sorted. I was the first one to walk out into the hall and I did so with great confidence. Every boy was looking at me. There were lots of wolf whistles and guys were asking if I was single. When I got up to the front the lady standing with a list called my name;
"Emily Malfoy" The women up the front boomed.
I walked up to the stool and the hat wasn't even on my head when it shouted "Slytherin" I smirked and made my way to sit with Draco, he gave me a kiss before the feast appeared.
"Aren't you very hungry Em?" Blaise acknowledged looking at my plate which had a small piece of bread on it.
"At Beauxbatons we weren't allowed to eat over 100 calories per day so I'm just not used to so much food" I answered.
Blaise looked shocked but nodded understandably.
Draco kissed me on the lips and whispered in my ear,
"I love you" I smiled and was about to say something when some girl with a brown bob cut me off
"Dracky poo what are you doing with her!" she bickered with a high pitched shriek. I stood up fuming at the nerve of this girl.
"How DARE you speak to me like that I am Draco's girlfriend!" I exclaimed as Draco smiled at me knowing that I would go off at her.
"NO, Draco's my boyfriend thank you very much, he probably just feels sorry for you, you skinny bitch"!
The words were ringing in my ears until something inside me snapped like it usually does.
"Listen to you slutty pug, I am Draco's girlfriend and you are some sort of creepy, obsessed stalker, so why don't you just shut the hell up before you embarrass yourself further" I spat sharply.
Draco was laughing with all the other Slytherin boys, he pulled me onto his lap and whispered into my ear "This is why I love you" he chuckled and I breathed in and out to calm myself.
"Come on guys lets go back to the common room" Draco announced to everyone. He put his hand around my waist protectively and we started to walk out of the hall when we were stopped by a group of people that looked a bit older than us.
"Hi Emily I heard that you just transferred here from Beauxbatons, it's nice to meet you, I'm Cedric Diggory" a tall boy spoke from the front of the group.
"Hi Cedric, it's nice to meet you too" I replied smiling sweetly.
I noticed Draco scowling so I added quickly.
"I moved to Hogwarts to be with my boyfriend Draco, I'm sure that you have met"
Draco smiled at me thankfully and then looked back at Cedric
"Diggory" Draco retorted bluntly.
"Malfoy" Cedric huffed with a scowl.
"It was a pleasure to meet you Cedric but I must be off, see you round" I waved as we walked off.
When we got to the Slytherin common room I was amazed by the beauty of it.
"Well, love what do you think of Hogwarts?" Draco asked when we were in my room alone.
"It's amazing" I beamed looking around the room.
"Do you mind if I go for a swim, can you take me to a lake?" I asked.
"Sure" Draco answered giving me a long and passionate kiss before leading me out of the common room and the castle. We walked hand in hand until we got to a lake that Draco called The Black Lake.
"Draco would you be able to go and get a towel for me, I completely forgot one," I asked.
"Sure, anything for you babe" Draco replied happily and walked back to the castle. I sat at the edge of the lake with my tail in the water. The sun was still setting so it wasn't too dark.
Suddenly I heard footsteps so I jumped into the water with fright.
I heard looked up through the water expecting Draco, but instead, I saw a boy with black hair and glasses. He began shouting from above. I thought about going back up for a while when he suddenly dived into the water, when he saw my tail he widened his eyes and returned to the top. I decided to join him so I emerged my head and shoulders. He was sitting on the edge looked down into the water when he saw me.
"Sorry I thought you were drowning when you didn't come up after a while" he admitted sheepishly.
"Its fine" I assured with a kind smile
"So what's life like down there?" he asked calmly
"Oh, I go to Hogwarts like you but I'm a mermaid as well so I need to swim," I explained.
His jaw dropped
"That's awesome" he uttered after finding his words
"Yeah, I just transferred from Beauxbatons in France."
"That's good I guess I will get to see you again then" he smiled
"Yeah I'd like that" I replied
"I'm Harry, by the way, Harry Potter"
My jaw dropped. That was Harry potter, Draco's enemy what would I do, we had just become friends!
"We..l H..arry. I'..m Emily. I studdered in shock.
"Nice to meet you, Emily, may I ask your last name?" He asked politely
I froze for a few seconds
"Malfoy" I mumbled quickly
"Pardon" Harry inquired politely
"Malfoy" I replied calmly.
"So your Malfoys sister". He said shocked with disbelief.
"No, we aren't related, but I am his girlfriend" I interjected
Harry looked shocked but suddenly I saw Draco's blonde hair coming down the castle stairs, I panicked. He stopped to talk to Blaise and turned away.
"Harry quick, Draco's coming" I yelled.
"Where do I hide!?" He asked frantically.
"Underwater" I replied looking around.
"But I can't breathe underwater!" Harry spluttered starting to freak out.
"If you kiss me you will be able to breathe underwater" I muttered as I absent minded focused on Draco.
Blaise was pointing to something up the hall so Draco walked over with him.
"Ok, that gives us some time." I sighed
Suddenly Harry leant down and kissed me and then dived into the water. I was in shock but soon followed him down. He sat on a rock underwater hidden behind some seaweed. Suddenly I heard Draco call my name so I swam back up to the top leaving Harry.
"Hey babe here is your towel" he smiled resting it down on some grass
"Thanks," I said smiling at him nervously, he didn't seem to notice my panic.
"Look I'm really sorry, but Blaise wants me to help him with some homework he didn't do over the holidays, so I have to go, I'll meet you at the common room when you're done, ok" He promised kindly.
"Sure I will see you there then," I said. He leant down and gave me a kiss on the forehead before walking off to where Blaise was standing waving at me.
I dived down into the water and saw that Harry was sitting on a rock looking around curiously. As soon as he saw me he swam over, he pointed up to the surface meaning can I go back up there now, I smiled and gave him a thumbs up.
Soon we were both sitting up on a rock looking out over the water as the sun set.
"So your Draco's girlfriend?" Harry asked sadly
"Yeah" I responded looking up at him
"I guess that means we can't be friends" He whispered looking down at the ground with disappointment.
I leant over to where he was at putting my hand on his cheek, gently pulling his head up.
"Harry, I think we could be friends" I responded kindly
He pulled his hand up so it was on top of mine.
"Just friends?" He asked as he started to get closer.
"Just friends" I corrected as I got up from the rock and walked back to the castle, leaving Harry to watch me sadly as I walked away.
Harry's p.o.v
When I kissed Emily it felt think there were bombs going off. It was the best kiss ever. I soon realised that whether she was Malfoys girlfriend or not I could still like her. I sat on the rock frozen by her touch looking back at her walking to the castle, she is so pretty and graceful and well everything a guy could ever want, Malfoy was lucky, very lucky.
Emily's p.o.v
I was walking back to the Slytherin common room, at least trying to. I was quite lost until two hands grabbed my waist and before I could turn around to see who the person was they covered my eyes. That's the last thing I remember before everything went black.

Hi readers,
I would really love it if you commented on what you think of my story. I have about 25 reads and even though that may seem like not much it means the world to me that my words are being read, so tell me what you think and please, please tell me what you want to happen. I am open to any idea's.
Love you all xxx WildflowerPrincess  

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