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Group Chat

Jos_ie: spill the tea Moody ☕

Mood_swings: OK OK 😂

Tills: haha

Jerbear: yes spill the tea

Mood_swings: OK so Tillie and I had a  talk the other day and she said she wants us to be just friends and it made me sad because I love her and she noticed I was sad so she texted me and told me she likes me but she's scared so we talked a bit more  and now we are dating

Jos_ie: awe that's so cute wtf

AnnE: it's so romantical

Rubes: amazing

Barry: awe I'm crying

Amymay: woah I missed a lot

Ja_ne: are you OK Billy?

Jos_ie: wait what?  What's up Billy

BullyBilly: i said I'm fine Jane leave me alone

Jos_ie: what's up Billy I saw how sad you looked and your comment on Tills post

BullyBilly: yeah which
said I'm fine don't worry

Jos_ie: no it said "I'll be fine" so wtf Is wrong with you?

AnnE: we just want to help Billy

Gil: are you sure you're OK man

ClayCole: talk to us

Rubes: we care

Charles: is it about Josie??

BullyBilly: I love you all 💓

Jos_ie: Billy? Talk to me please

BullyBilly: what do you want me to say?

Charles added Tee

Tee: Billy you will be OK I know what you are feeling

BullyBilly: can you leave me alone

Jos_ie: Billy you helped me and talked to me you did everything for me so I want to do everything for you I am here for you Billy
(❤BullyBilly liked this message)

BullyBilly: awe thanks Josie I swear I am fine

Jerbear: I missed you nerds

AnnE: well come to school instead of being home schooled

Barry: I would love if you could come to school

Rubes: school sucks I'm swampped in home work

Charles: I need the home work

ClayCole: I'm working on 5 projects

Mood_swings: I have 5 quizzes tomorrow

Anne again: Instagram AWAE Where stories live. Discover now