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Jerbear  midnight snack 😋 @tills @Maddy @ja_ne @barry @Anne PC: @Gil

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Jerbear  midnight snack 😋 @tills @Maddy @ja_ne @barry @Anne
PC: @Gil

789 likes & 672 comments

Barry: why are we all covering our faces ?

Jerbear: @Barry idk 😂

Anne: I wanted burger King or Wendy's  😅🙄

Jerbear: @Anne too bad

Anne: @Jerbear I hate you 😒

Jerbear: @Anne no you don't

Gil: thanks for pc 🙂

Jerbear: @Gil of course man

Tills: I'm sad that our trip is over it was so fun

Jerbear: @Tills same it was really the best

Maddy: the Avonlea gang is now my family

Jerbear: @Maddy yay 😄

Ja_ne: the apple pie is so good 😋🤗

Jerbear: @Ja_ne it really is

Ja.mes: I missed this ? 😢

Jerbear: @Ja.mes yeah you were sleep

Mood_swings: it sucks to be home now

Jerbear: @Mood_swings right I miss you guys

Barry   pizza night 😍 ( we just got back home ) @Jerbear @Anne @Gil PC: @ClayCole

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Barry   pizza night 😍 ( we just got back home ) @Jerbear @Anne @Gil
PC: @ClayCole

987 likes & 789 comments

Jerbear: pineapple on pizza yum 😋

Barry: @Jerbear ew that's gross you disgust me 😝

Jerbear: @Barry you are lame it's really good

Anne: my foot is in this picture 😂🙂

Barry: @Anne with  your gray sock

Gil: pizza night  + my beautiful girlfriend Anne = best night ever

Barry: @Gil aww

Anne: @Gil you are so sweet

Claycole: sorry this is kinda a bad picture

Anne again: Instagram AWAE Where stories live. Discover now