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BA.baby and Maddy 's DM

BA.baby: wtf do you mean better siblings they are the worst

Maddy: um no they aren't you are you are the one who killed our mother and left because of it you act like a spoiled brat if you can't get what you want you leave and cry boo hoo

BA.baby: omg you won't kill this image you have of me will you ? Wtf do I have to do to show you that I have been to hell 👿and back I don't want pity and I'm not a spoiled brat I just want you to stop hating me

Maddy: I just want my mother back 😭😭

BA.Baby: I do too I miss her so much

Maddy: and she's gone because of you

BA.baby: can you stop blaming me for my mother's death please i miss her too but you don't see me blaming you or dad

Maddy: OK but WE didn't cause her death

BA.Baby: how tf did I cause her death please explain?

Maddy: you just did

BA.Baby: stfu we both know that I didn't do anything to kill her you just want to be on dad's side

Maddy: well he is in jail because of you

BA.baby: wait what dad is in jail?

Maddy: yeah for child abuse

BA.baby: wow so what about you and......

Maddy: we are fine our step mom got him out she's a great mom she's paying for my college

BA.baby: that's great

Maddy: I'm sorry

BA.baby: it's OK

Maddy: no it's not your my sister and all I did was hurt you and make your life worst

BA.baby: I know but as long as you make up for it it's fine

Maddy: I'm happy for you and Billy y'all seem really happy together

BA.baby: awe thanks Mads can we just be siblings please

Maddy: of course sister


Maddy: yes, yes we are
I'm Madison Josie Pye and
she's Josie Olivia Pye

BA.baby added Baby.JP

Baby.JP: wow that's kinda cool

BA.baby: really baby you just added yourself in

Baby.JP: yeah I wanted to see what was going on I didn't want you to get hurt or anything I'm always here for you

BA.baby: awe thanks Billy I love you baby

Maddy: awe you guys are so cute

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