;; part 2

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“I'm sure you soon will.” I said encouragingly. “I´m going to go now, Jungkook is surely already waiting for me near the gate.”

“You have to tell me what Seoul was like, y/n!” Taemin insisted and Jimin nodded laughing. Then he waved goodbye and began walking outside.

The big heaven gate was seated on a floating plateau surrounded by shining lanterns, fountains and flowers. It was a very busy location; the guards always had a lot of work to do. When I arrived at the place under the gate I could see an excited Jungkook telling Jin something. The younger angel seemed to almost be skipping, he was that excited.

“And I really thought I couldn’t control the flame because it got that big, but then I hold it the longest of the group. You should have seen the face the instructor made!” Jungkook laughed and waved me hello as I came closer. “Alright, alright, you strong archangel. Then the little trip to Seoul won’t be a problem for you, will it?” Seokjin had his arms crossed and greeted me with a friendly nod. “Hello y/n. Good to finally see you. Give it a few minutes and you could have seen Kookie literally pulling me to earth with him.”

“Not true! I’ve just told you how-“

“I know, Kookie. We are really proud of you for passing your final test.” I tried to tame the boy and Jungkook nodded thankfully.

“Then let´s go. I want to be back before it gets dark to tell our report.” Jin said.

And together we spread our wings and flew up to the golden gate together with a bunch of other angels who too had the opportunity to visit earth. When they arrived at the plateau they began getting in line to get to the gate itself. It took some time and while waiting Jungkook told them everything about his final test, but i listened very carefully to him while Jin gave the youngest a pad on his shoulders from time to time. When it was finally their turn the guards gave Jin and Jungkook a sword, just in case. I could protect myself if we would face a group of demons.

"Good luck, return home safely.” One of the guards told we and bowed a bit.

Then the gate opened again and the three angels disappeared in a glistening stream of light.


“Wow, I wouldn’t have thought it would be this beautiful down here in the middle of one of the biggest human cities on earth!” was the first thing Jungkook said when we took form behind a group of big trees.

The young angel walked into the park and looked around baffled. Jin and me followed him quickly. As we were crossing the park I deeply inhaled the fragrance of the fresh air and flowers. It was always a special thing for him, coming back down to earth. When a little girl smiled at him while sitting on a swing he waved back happily. He really enjoyed this short time on earth. Even though many humans were walking around at this time nobody seemed to notice them. They were invisible to the human eye; just kids could see them sometimes.

“Let’s begin then.” Jin said when they had crossed the park and they began flying up.

Jungkook was flying up front and let out some noises of pure excitement here and there. From above Seoul was a whole different experience. For a long time they just flew around the city and watched the crowd of humans going on with their busy lives. I almost had the hope this would only be one of these normal flights, to check if everything was okay. I hoped Jungkook would have a peaceful first visit to earth. But after an hour had passed, he learned the truth. Above a small part of the city clouds emerged and it started to rain. We stopped midair; Jungkook froze when he saw the typical black trails of smoke lingering above the rooftops. Demons. A whole bunch of them to be précised.

“You stay here, don’t move even in the slightest. I’ll be back with reinforcements soon! “Jin told we with a clear voice and we both nodded.

Then, with just one flap of his wings Jin was gone, his speed coming in handy. Jungkook looked down at the black mass with a frozen face. Soon you couldn’t even see the rooftops anymore.

“Everything is going to be alright, Kookie. Jin is going to come back soon, we are just going to wait here and-“

A scream emerged from underneath the black smoke, the scream of a human child. Jungkook fastened the grip on his sword, his knuckles turning white. “When they’ll arrive here it’ll be too late, y/n, don’t you understand? They are torturing them! We can’t just look away and do nothing!”

I bit my lower lip. Fear was beginning to wash over me. I really wanted to help these humans, but i just couldn’t do it. I wasn’t as strong as Jungkook or as agile as Jin. “This isn’t a good idea, Jungkook. We´ll just wait here.” i tried to talk some sense into the younger as new screams were heard.

Jungkook shook his head. “I…I can’t do this, y/n. Im sorry.“

And after finishing his sentence he pushed down into the black masses, his sword ready to attack.

“Jungkook!” i shouted after him. What was he doing? He wasn’t going to be able to finish all of them alone, even though he was an archangel.

When new screams emerged and a ray of pure light cut through the darkness I made a decision: i wouldn’t just watch another angel die through a bunch of demons. One last time i took a deep breath and pushed down as well. The smoke began to burn in my eyes, i couldn’t see anything. Blindly i tried to follow Jungkooks bright light and looked around hectically.

“Jungkook? Jungkook, answer me!" I screamed trough the pained screams of the humans.

I couldn’t breathe properly anymore; i seemed to drown in the smoke. Every second i expected an attack from the demons, but nothing came. Then the bright light stopped shining all out of a sudden. “Kookie?” my voice was just a quiet whisper. What had happened? He continued flying forward. Where was the younger one? I had to find him!

And just when the smoke seemed to become a little bit less dark and i could fly a bit faster it happened. I flew against something hard in the middle of the air. Completely disoriented, i tried to think properly again, but then thick ropes of smoke began to wrap around his wrists. An extremely strong power pushed me backwards against a house wall. I tried to break free, but i just wasn’t strong enough. My wings became weaker and weaker, they seemed to be stunned. Just before i lost my consciousness, i closed my eyes and hot tears of anger were running on my cheeks. How couldn’t i have guessed it sooner? I had been so dumb. Jungkook was in danger because of me and now we both would have to pay for it.

It was a trap.

demon || kim taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now