;; part 3

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When i woke up, everything around me was dark. Dark and dry. Even though the air was warm i began to shiver. I could feel a cold wall behind myself and when i tried to lift a hand up to find out where i was it felt like an extremely difficult thing to do. My mind was still clouded, the memories returning rather slowly. Where was i? What had happened?

With a quiet groan, i mobilized all of my strength and stood up while still leaning against the wall to support himself. With narrowed eyes i tried to identify something, but it was hopeless. Blackness was all around me, i was completely by myself. I closed my eyes and tried to think. How did i get here? And then it hit me: How they had faced the group of demons, how Jungkook had tried to fight them all by himself to save these humans, how he had followed him and finally how he had lost his consciousness. I clenched my hands into fists. It had been a trap for them, the demons had just had a little bit of fun with we and now they were going to do something with we, whatever it was, I feared it.

The guardian angel slowly began moving forward. He had to find out where he was and what was more important: Where Jungkook was. He surely wasn’t..? No, he had to think positively now. He wasn’t dead; the demons still hadn’t tried to do anything to him, which was strange. Demons normally didn’t let any angel live long when they had captured him at least that was what the older angels had told him. Nobody ever returned from being in captivity and there had been just a few times where their body had been found, when the light of the angel had already faded away.

I began to shiver. Would they come soon to get me? I rapidly inhaled and exhaled. I had to be strong now, think clearly and think about a way to get out of here. Where was Jungkook? Did they maybe didn’t even bother to lock him up? I swallowed hard. Then i continued moving forward, hands in front of me to look for clues. My eyes still tried to get used to my surroundings. When i had moved a few meters forward, i vencountered an obstacle. I began touching it and quickly realized what it was: Thick metal rods. I was trapped inside of a cage. I looked for ways to escape, but even after going up and down the wall several times i couldn’t find a single way, it seemed to be hopeless.

I sat down next to the metal rods, one hand clutching one of the rods, and laid his head against it. Tears began forming in my eyes. Would they just let me die here? Would i just sit here for a long time, not knowing what would happen? I longed for the light of the heavens, for the incredible feeling of flying. When i tried to move my wings, i felt a dull pain. They still seemed to be stunned. Would he never be able to move them again?

Hours or days seemed to have passed when i woke up again. For a few seconds i wondered why i woke up in the first place, but then i heard it. The soft tones of a piano were flowing in his direction. The melody was slow and heavy; it filled the whole room with sadness that i myself began feeling too. For a few moments the angel just listened without saying anything, and then my mind began working again. Somebody was playing the piano; this somebody would surely hear me. Was it a demon? If that was the case i rather wouldn’t want to attract his attention, maybe then i would think again about what i would do with him, but i needed information to where i was and who they were and where Jungkook was. I needed to have courage and speak up, even though i was scared.

The melody of the piano was still going on. I swallowed hard, then i opened his mouth.

“H-hello? Please, I need some answers!” i said loudly and hoped the pianist would hear him. But the melody continued. Maybe he hadn’t heard me?

“Hello!” I said again, more clearly this time.

One last key was played, then there was only silence. The room seemed to be empty again, the playing of the piano had brought a piece of light back to me that had been missing since i had woken up. I began missing it instantly.

Please…“ The angel said quietly against the metal rods.

For a moment nothing happened and i began weeping. I just wanted to be unconscious again. But then i began hearing footsteps that slowly approached me. They sounded loudly against the walls. When I lifted up my head a little bit i could see a flickering light. I saw a figure that was holding the flame. I stood up and waited. Who would come?

„So you have finally woken up, angel? “ The voice of the person was rather raspy and when he stepped closer I saw he was carrying the flame on two of his fingers. “I really thought you were dead.”

I narrowed my eyes. The flame was blinding him, but i forced myself to look into the others face. Black hair and eyes of the same color were staring at me, They man was wearing a black shirt with a collar out of red velvet, his ears were pierced with silver earrings, he was wearing a few heavy looking rings on his fingers. I instantly knew the other was a demon. When i looked at the flame the other was carrying without hurting my fingers the angel realized the man was powerful. There weren’t many demons with the power of Pyrokinesis.

“I just want to know where I am, please!” I didn’t like the way my voice sounded. “And I insist on knowing where my friend is!”

The demon chuckled quietly. “You are imprisoned and very weak, but still you have demands. Hm, pretty courageous, little angel.”

I bit my lower lip. How was this demon talking to me?

 “I-I'm not afraid of you!” i said and stared at these dark eyes. “I don’t care what you want to do with me; I just want to know where Jungkook is!”

“Ah, so that’s the name of the angel Taehyung has chosen for himself. Interesting…” The demon said as if he was speaking to himself.

Taehyung? So this demon wasn’t the only one here? And what was the other demon doing to Kookie?

“Why don’t you just tell me your name?” The demon asked and grinned slightly.

i shook my head. “What do you want to do with me? Why didn’t you just kill me right after capturing me? Where the hell am I?!” Slowly i began to get angry. It was just so frustrating.

„Woah, easy there. I don’t want to do anything with you. You should thank me for saving you, you would’ve ended as a toy for the guards if not worse.”

Saved?” i said aloud before even thinking about it. "But…you have captured me!“ of course he had, it wouldn’t make any sense if it was different.

The demon sighted. “Hm, believe what you want. I´m now going to go. Sleep well, little angel.” And then he turned around and let the flame disappear.

“Just tell me your name!” i said loudly.

The demon turned around. “Tell me yours first.”

For a moment i hesitated, but when the other began walking away again i said it anyway. Maybe i would get some answers through it.

“Park y/n.”

The demon laughed. “Well, well. The name´s Min Yoongi. See you tomorrow.”

That couldn’t be everything! I needed more answers. What was this Taehyung guy doing to his friend? Was i in hell? Who the hell was Min Yoongi?

“Hey, wait!” i shouted, but the other didn’t stop. Frustrated, i punched against one of the metal rods and instantly began regretting it. “Ouch!”

Just when i wanted to sit down again, i could hear Yoongi quietly talking to somebody else.

“And give him something to eat, Namjoon, or else he will be dead in a few hours.”

“Of course. “                 

demon || kim taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now