Chapter Two:

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As I stroll deeper into the forest, I can't help but wonder about Hiccup managing to hit a Night Fury... of all dragons. In a way, I am proud of him. Unlike my father and brother, I've taken to researching the dragons, and the Night Fury is the most elusive dragon known to us Vikings. Similar to Fishlegs, one of the five teenagers my age, I have studied the Dragon Manual, a book that records every dragon and their abilities. The Night Fury is the only dragon without information. If that dragon has yet to escape, I plan to study it before it notices and attacks me.

I glance down at my journal, where a horrible sketch of Berk is drawn, "Okay. Raven's Point isn't far..."

With the sun barely peeking through the thick canopy, it is hard to make out a single landmark; however, I used to explore the area before the dragon raids became more predominant, so I know my way around.

"Oh, the gods hate me. Some people lose their knife or their mug. No, not me. I managed to lose an entire dragon?!"

I jump at the sound of Hiccup's irritated voice. He must be searching for the Night Fury, too. I peer around a tree, only to spot Hiccup smacking a damaged tree branch, but the branch recoils and hits him instead... Wait. Why is there a damaged branch in the first place? My eyes trail from the tree to the uprooted foliage.

I gasp, "The Night Fury must have crashed here."

Hiccup spins his heels in my direction, "Eira? What are you doing here?"

"I could say the same thing," I retort, stopping a couple of feet in front of him. "But to answer your question, I'm hiding from your dad."

"So... You're prolonging the inevitable."

"Yeah, pretty much. It seems like you are, too."

"What? No... No," Hiccup lies, only to shrink under my gaze, "Fine. I'm looking for the Night Fury. I want proof... to show my dad that I'm a Viking... not a runt."

"Well, I can tell you that we're probably in the right area," I claim, gesturing to the extensive damage around us. "I'm coming with you."

"But you don't even have a weapon."

"I can find something. A bow and arrow is not the only weapon I know how to use."


"Yeah. I just prefer it."

I crawl up the slight embankment, following the trail of destruction. Hiccup stays close behind me. We peek over a fallen log and find the limp body of a black dragon. Ropes from Hiccup's bola entangle the dragon's limbs. From a distance, it seems as if the dragon is dead, but it may well be unconscious.

"I can't... believe it. A Night Fury," I gasp.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watch Hiccup snatch a dagger from his belt. He clutches the dagger close to his chest, yet I can make out the dagger trembling.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

Hiccup gulps, "Yes. I have to. I have to prove myself."

He slides down the moss-covered ground, grinding to a halt behind a large boulder mere feet from the sleek black Night Fury. As far as dragons go, I must admit the beast is rather beautiful compared to the other species; it is smaller than I expected, but that may be the reason as to why the dragon has lightning fast speed. I open my journal to a blank page and begin writing down notes. Hiccup inches closer, but his tense stance relaxes as soon as he realizes that the Night Fury is not going anywhere.

"Oh, wow. I did it. I did it! This fixes everything!" Hiccup cheers, resting his foot on the dragon's neck, "I have brought down this mighty beast!"

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