T W E N T Y : N O T R E A D Y

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It was the same scenario all over again. Jessie sighed and put her head in her hands. After pouring her heart out to Pattie, Jessie was still disappointed. It would teach her. Trusting people so easily.

She was at the precinct again. And she had been waiting for Pattie for about an hour and more. Her word could allow Jessie to bail him out. Since apparently, she didn't know what a kidnapping was. Note the sarcasm.

Jessie sighed again and put her head up. She had told the officer she had a witness, to put it that way. But now that Pattie was refusing to show her face, she really didn't know what to do.

Suddenly, someone approached her. It was the rude officer of the day before. His ever brooding frown was present. Jessie did not know if he didn't like her, or he was just a moody person.

"Sign these papers," the officer said, brusquely putting some papers in front her.

Jessie looked up to ask what the papers were for, but the annoyed look on the man's face discouraged her. She looked down again at them and a huge smile grew on her face when she saw it was bail papers. Theo could finally be bailed out!

She signed wherever was necessary as quickly as she could and sent the papers back to the officer. He looked through them and went back from wherever he came from.

A few minutes later, which actually felt like a few hours later, Theo was walking out. Jessie tried to control herself but her feet would not listen. She found herself running towards him.

She literally jumped on him and he put his arms around her. It was obvious to any onlooker that both of them cared deeply about each other. Maybe it wasn't the love they were professing, but it was something deep.

"Did you miss me that much?" Theo asked with a teasing smile playing on his lips.

"Just a little," Jessie replied, smiling too.

"Just a little? You sure?"

"Maybe a little bit more than a little," Jessie admitted, then she put her head into his chest and inhaled his scent.

Theo lifted her head gently and they looked at each other for a few seconds before exchanging sweet smiles. They were apparently in their own world.

Theo bent to kiss Jessie and a few seconds before their lips touched, Jessie turned her head and Theo's lips touched her cheek. He furrowed his brows, but did not comment, assuming she was hesitant to show affection in public.

After receiving confirmation from the officer, they walked out. As soon as they stepped out, Jessie stood still and widened her eyes.

How were they going to get back home? She had forgotten about that. Theo stopped too and turned to her with a confused frown on her face.

"Jessie, is everything alright?" he asked and Jessie burst out crying.

He rushed towards her and held her in his arms.

"Hey, hey what's wrong?" Theo asked with a worried frown.

"I'm so useless," she replied, sobbing.

"You're not," Theo said sternly.

"But how are we going to get back home now? I didn't even think of that," Jessie replied, looking up at Theo with misty eyes.

"I'll call a friend," Theo replied with a smile. Jessie returned the smile hesitantly, hoping that the friend wasn't Gracie.


Turned out that the friend was not Gracie and he was very pissed about being kept in the dark with all that had happened in Theo's life.

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