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Isaac Rivers

I step into the high school and look around, holding the straps of my backpack tightly. I quickly find the office and sigh as I see a dominant Male standing there, flirting with a secretary.

"Oh... you must be the new one." He smirks, stepping closer and making me flinch.

"Y-yes sir..." I manage to say, a woman sighing.

"Mr. Joneston leave the boy alone! Come here, sweetie." What I assume is the principal beckoning me into her office. I nod and quickly follow, earning a gentle smile.

"Dont mind him, hes a bit... aggressive. You must be Isaac Rodgers, yes?" He hums, sitting down across from me.

"Y-yes ma'am..." I say softly, taking a seat across from her. She smiles and makes a phone call, asking for a boy named Milo Rhinehart.

"Alright, Milo is another submissive and is in your homeroom. He will be showing you around, and later today the new subs will be assigned to doms." She explains, and I simply nod in agreement. A boy about my height with blue eyes and black hair walks in, smiling brightly and he sees me 

"Hi! I'm Milo!" He grins, holding his hand out. I gently shake it and turn dark red, looking down and mumbling.

"Isaac.." I say, the boy smiling.

"Come on, we have to get to class!" He says with a smile, leading me out of the office and to a group of tall boys. I blush a bit, one of them bending down and kissing milo.

"Guys this is Isaac! Isaac, this is my mans Kyle, and those are Mack, Dylan, and Aleks!" He says, listing all of the boys with an excited smile. I blush even more and wave a little, looking at them nervously.

"Well hello there..." aleks smirks, speaking in a thick Russian accent. I smile a little bit and relax a bit.

"What part are you from?" I ask, letting my accent show. I had just moved here, though I've been learning English all through school.

"Moscow!" He says happily, his intimidating demeanor vanishing.

"Me too." I say quietly, running a hand through my hair.

"Alright! Welcome submissives and dominants!" The same woman says to us. The auditorium was filled with subs and doms, and I didnt know anyone. I zone out of a while, until my name is called.

"Isaac Rivers, you are assigned to... Cody Davis!" She says. I get up and walk to the rather tall and cocky looking Male, chewing on my lip.

"Well well well, I think I was assigned to the sexiest sub in that crowd." He teases, guiding me out of the auditorium and to his car. I stay quiet, following him out.

"Isaac!" Milo calls, waving at me. I wave back slowly and blush.

"D-do I get in?" I ask cody, rubbing my arm nervously. He laughs a little and nods, causing me to blush more in embarrassment and fall silent and I climb inside.

"Where do you want to go? I want us to talk and get to know each other... I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable or scared.." He says, noticing my silence.

"I don't wanna go to my house... anywhere but there." I tell him, looking into his eyes as I take a shaky breath.

"Hey hey, relax sweetie. You're safe, I cant say I understand how you feel, but I can promise that I'll always protect you." Cody tells me all this in a gentle tone, cupping my cheek and gently rubbing it. I hug him and nuzzle against his neck, closing my eyes and biting my lip.

"T-thank you..." I whisper, feeling him place a gentle kiss on the top of my head. He slips off his hoodie and slides it onto my body, smiling.

"There, now theyll all know you're my sweet little boy." He grins, starting hid car and driving away from the school. I lay my head on his shoulder and hug his arm, closing my eyes.

"Can we go somewhere that we can cuddle?" I ask softly, looking up at him as I bite my lip.

"Yeah, we can cuddle in the bed of my truck while watching the sunset!" He says happily, causing me to giggle and kiss his cheek siftly. He smiles wide and pulls up to a small cliff, climbing out and opening up the bed of his truck.

Cody walks around and opens my door, scooping me out of the truck and carrying me to the back. I smile and crawl over to a bunch of pillows and blankets, cody jumping up and smiling.

"Cody, this is amazing!" I say, looking up at him. He smiles and pecks my cheek.

"All for you, sweetie." He whispers, wrapping a blanket around me before scooting me into his lap.

"Tell me about yourself.: I tell him, kissing his neck softly and laying my head against his chest.

"Well, I'm a senior, I'm 17, gay, and I'm the quarterback for the foot all team. I love to explore abandoned houses, go to concerts, and play guitar. My birthday I'd on Halloween and I'm most definitely going trick or treating.

"I'm a junior, I'm 16, gay, and i don't like sports. I love playing piano and exploring houses and taking naps. My birthday is also halloween, and we are most definitely trick or treating together." I grin, staring into his eyes. He smiles wide and kisses my forehead.

"I think I might be in love..." he whispers, laying my head against his shoulder.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2018 ⏰

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