[Gavin X RK900] Happy Birthday (Pt. 1)

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WARNINGS: swearing and fLUFF

Word count: 1240

The detective sighed as he looked at his computer. He held the mouse over today's date and time.

4:47 pm, October 7th, 2038

He pushed his chair away from his desk and stood up. He took a quick look at some of his colleagues still working. He looked away in annoyance as he walked over to the break room. His shift was almost over and no one had wished him a happy birthday yet.

With his hands in his pockets, Gavin marched into the break room to make himself a coffee. It was completely empty in there. Gavin sighed. The entire station had felt incredibly empty all day. He hadn't seen Connor or Hank all day, so they were probably out on some case. Fowler had been busy in meetings and everyone just had a lot to do.

Conan was out of town on a "special mission", so Gavin couldn't join him. It had meant a lot to Gavin if Conan remembered his birthday, but he wasn't even at work. It bothered Gavin a lot, even if he wouldn't admit it. He had had feelings for him for a little while now, but he would never be able to admit to anyone.

Gavin snapped out of his thoughts and just walked over to the coffee machine with a heavy head. He brewed the coffee and drank it in quick sips. After that he left a few minutes earlier than usual. He would usually spend a few minutes talking to Conan before he left, but he couldn't today.

Gavin eventually made it to his car. He got in, but didn't start the engine right away. He felt his eyes fill up with tears, but they weren't quite heavy enough to fall just yet.

"Fuck..." he whispered to himself, feeling one tear trickle down his cheek.

He had no family left that cared about him, and now not even his only real friend and crush remembered his birthday. He felt yet another tear on his cheek.

He placed his hands on the steering wheel, and took a deep breath. He didn't like to feel bad for himself. He wiped the tears and comforted himself with the fact that the day would soon be over.

-time skip-

Gavin shuffled in his pocket for his keys, a stern look on his face. He was determined to just go straight to bed and forget about today. He eventually gripped his keys and put them in the lock. His body froze as he realised the door was already open.

He snapped out of it and calmly wrapped his fingers around his gun, since he was still in his uniform. He opened the door quietly and peered inside. The lights were off as he left them, but he had been in situations like this before. He lifted up his gun, and held it ready as he walked into his house.

He kept quiet as he walked along the small hallway in his house. He was headed to the largest room he had, the living room. As he entered he opened his mouth to say something, but his words stopped as the lights came on.

"SURPRISE!!" the people in front of him yelled, big smiles on their faces.

Gavin slowly lowered the gun, eyes wide and a small smile lurking in the corner of his mouth. Hank, Connor and Conan stood in front of him, all wearing silly party hats. The room was covered with balloons and there was a big sign that said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY " behind them. Gavin chuckled a little at their hopeful faces.

"You guys look ridiculous," Gavin laughed at them.

"Not as ridiculous as you did pointing that gun at us," Hank laughed back, which surprisingly made Gavin's smile wider.

"Happy birthday detective," Connor smiled innocently, hands on his back.

"Happy birthday Gavin," Conan also said.

Gavin's eyes drifted over all of them, but eventually landed on Conan. He felt his cheeks warm up the slightest as he saw Conan's loving smile. He eventually averted his gaze off of just him and looked at all of them.

"Thank you guys. I'm honestly speechless," he said, the smile not leaving his lips.

"Just wait until you see your gift," Connor blurted out in excitement, which made Hank roll his eyes and smile the slightest.

"Yea, I guess you should open your gift," Hank said, and gave a little nod to Conan.

Conan walked out into the kitchen and got a big box. Gavin was slightly confused as to why they were acting so strange about his present. He saw Conan return into the living room with a big cardboard box with small holes in the top. He placed it on the floor in front of Gavin. It had a little bow and a note on it. Gavin bowed down and read the note.

Happy birthday Gavin! Hope you'll enjoy this tiny gift we got for you.
Love from Hank, Connor and Conan.

Gavin was quick to lift the lid of the box, and the sight left him completely speechless. Inside the box was a tiny kitty, covered in dark orange fur. It had some lighter stripes on it's back. It looked up at Gavin with huge brown eyes, meeting Gavin's shiny grey ones.

"Don't worry detective, I'll help you take care of it for a few weeks if I have to," Conan said, making Gavin smile. He picked up the kitty, and started to slowly stroke it's back.

"How did you even get me a kitty?" was all Gavin was able to say as the gazed at it's beautiful fur.

"Why do you think we were gone all day?" Hank smiled, looking over at the two androids.

Gavin listened to the cat purr into his chest and smiled. He felt so happy, for the first time in a long time.

"You should give her a name," it came from Connor.

Gavin thought about it, but only for a couple of seconds.


"That's so cliché!" Hank blurted out.

"I like it," Conan smiled, which was the only thing that made Gavin look away from the kitty.

Gavin expressed nothing but happiness as he stood up and looked at the three once again.

"Thank you guys so much," he said again.

"I honestly don't know what to say-" he started, but was interrupted by Hank's deep voice.

"Don't start with that now. The party hasn't even started yet! We'll take all that soggy shit afterwards," he said and went to get a couple of beers from the kitchen. Connor went along to help.

Gavin was about to look over at Conan, who was the only one left in the room with him, but his actions were interrupted by the taller android quickly pressing his lips against Gavin's. He widened his eyes in shock, but didn't pull away.

After a few seconds, Conan slowly pulled away from the kiss. He lightly chuckled at the look of Gavin's bright red cheeks and wide eyes. A slight smile started to form on his lips as their eyes met.

"Happy birthday Gavin."

I hope you guys enjoyed this little oneshot dedicated to the beautiful detective Reed!!
I will be making a sequel to this, about what happens after the party, so stay tuned for that;)

As always thanks for reading, byeee

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