Chapter 2

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Lestrade invited himself in as usual. John shut the door and sighed."I'm sorry Greg but whatever case you have he isn't going to take it." John said looking back at the locked bedroom where Sherlock was. He wondered if he could hear or if he was in his mind palace.

Lestrade sighed and folded and his arms. "What is going on with him? There's been a murder and we - the world needs Sherlock Holmes. I need Sherlock Holmes." Lestrade looked at the locked bedroom and padded Johns shoulder before leaving the flat.

John walked over to Sherlock's door, thinking he could somehow get Sherlock to come out and speak to him. He knew it wouldn't work but he had to try. John cleared his throat "Sherlock, can you please just talk to me? I mean we're friends Sherlock, You can tell me anything and I know this is about Irene. Please just open the door." John leaned against the door with his arms folded into his chest.

"I just want to be left alone John." Sherlock said. John sighed again. He knew it wouldn't work. "Okay Sherlock, I'm going out." John said walking away from the door and putting his jacket on. He really needed fresh air to think.

John left the flat and walked around London, he tried thinking about something other then Sherlock but he couldn't stop himself. Sherlock was his friend and he was alone in his flat upset. After an hour of strolling around John decided to head back to the flat.

Before entering the flat he talked to Mrs.Hudson who also wanted to know why Sherlock wasn't talking any cases. When Mrs.Hudson left John swore he heard something but it stopped. As John slowly walked up the stairs it started again, the violin, a beautiful melody that John never wanted to stop. It was the most beautiful piece Sherlock has ever played. To John this was a good sign, Sherlock hasn't played the violin for a while. John thought that maybe Sherlock was feeling better and was ready to talk.

John opened the door to the flat and saw Sherlock in his black suit near the window holding his viloin but he wasn't playing anymore. John shut the door and put his Jacket on the rack.

"So, I see your feeling better?" John said sitting in chair with his legs crossed hoping that Sherlock would finally talk. Sherlock set his viloin back in the case and looked out the window again. "Yes. After a visit from Mycroft." Sherlock said not moving his eyes from the window.

"Wait Mycrot came? And now you feel better? What?" John asked confused normally when Mycroft came Sherlock was annoyed, they always bickered.

"Yes I'm going to be taking the cases." Sherlock said, he turned to look at John for only secound then looked back at the window.

"Now hold on, Sherlock for the past few weeks you've been upset hardly speaking and I leave for an hour now you're taking cases again? Sherlock I know this is about Irene I know you are still upset you can talk to me." John said trying not to get angry, he just wanted Sherlock to talk to him not to hide his feelings.

Sherlock still didn't move or speak. John stood up from his chair. "Fine." John began walking to his bedroom.

"It's not about Irene." Sherlock quickly said. John stopped and turned to face Sherlock. Sherlock looked nervous? John began to walk slowly to Sherlock. "Then what is it about Sherlock? It's okay you can tell me." It's not about Irene John thought. For some reason John felt relived, like a weight was off him.

Sherlock looked at John his eyes focused on him.

"It's about you."


Hope you enjoyed it Chapter 3 will be up soon! :-)

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