Chapter 3

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"What do you mean it's about me? John asked. He stepped closer to Sherlock not understanding how this could possibly be about him.

Sherlock looked at John. His eyes filled with longing.

"I've only ever wanted you." Sherlock whispered. The room fell silent, it was like the world frooze and nothing could ruin this moment.

John stood there, unable to beileve the words that came out of the tall man in front of him. Sherlock wanted John. It was never about Irene.

Sherlock starred at John, waiting for a response. Waiting for the silence to be broken, for anything. "John I'm sorry." Sherlock began. "I tried to stop these feelings and I thought distancing myself from you would work but it didn't. I didn't want to ruin our friendship" Sherlock bit his lip, he wanted John to know all of it. He felt horrible for distancing himself from John but he thought that maybe just maybe the feelings would go away but they just got stronger.

John began to realize that he too was trying push away his feelings for Sherlock. That he did in fact fall for the consulting dectevie.

John smiled at Sherlock which made Sherlock look confused as he didn't expect John to have this kind of response.

John walked over to Sherlock grabbed him and kissed him. It was the most passionate kiss John had ever had. It was him, he was the one he wanted. The lips he wanted to kiss for the rest of his life. This was the man he had fallen in love with.

Sherlock Holmes.


Well,I hope you liked it! This was short but it was my first fanfic :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2014 ⏰

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