Chapter five: Friends

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*The next day*
I woke up with a really bad feeling in my stomach.
My heart was reaching and everything was spinning.
Soon I heard a knock on my door.
„Door's Open!" I mumbled.
The door opened and it revealed Jaehyun.
„Hey shortcake, how do you feel?" he asked and sat down beside me.
„I feel not that great!" I let myself fell back on my pillow.
„Did you cry? Was it perhaps because of that boy?" his finger creased over my cheek and wiped away a few tears.
„No... yes... Uhm I don't know!" I turned my face to look at my clock and saw that it was already 7:53.
„Ohh shoot i'm going to be late and you too!" I wanted to get put but Jaehyun gently pushed me back down.
„You're not going! You're not feeling well and I don't want you to overwork yourself! And don't worry about me, i don't have School till 10!" he said.

„Okay if you say so big brother!" I chuckled and gently punched him.
„Do you want to go out for breakfast? I could ask Ten and Winwin if you could come with us!"

„Y-yeah of course that would be great!"

„Okay see you in 20 Minutes"
I jumped out of bed.
What was not a good idea since I felt a little dizzy.
I stayed there for a couple of seconds till my dizziness faded away.

„Hmm what am i going to wear today?"

„Don't wear something sexy you know how Ten is" Jaehyun yelled from the bathroom. (sorry my friend suggested this sentence)

„Shut up jerk!" I giggled as I slammed my door shut.

„How about this!"

It's just a simple outfit

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It's just a simple outfit. So Jaehyun couldn't complain about my look.

I grabbed my purse, put my phone and keys in it and went downstairs.

„You're ready?"
We went out of the door into his car.
The drive didn't take long till we reached the cafe. As we went in I could already smell the mixed scents of sweets, coffee and tea.

„i wasn't here for a long time!" i smiled.
„The last time we were here was with........Doyoung"
„Hey no time to be sad let's just enjoy our breakfast!" Ten put his arm around us and dragged us to a table in the corner of the cafe.

„So y/n how are you doing? You know after your incident?" Winwin asked.

„It's a little rough but it slowly gets better!" I said and took a sip on my tea.

„Y/n is there a boy in your life?" Ten asked.

„Well.... uhhhh" is stuttered.

„Y/n you don't need to answer that Ten is just playing around!" Jaehyun said and took a bite on his cake.

„And what's with my brother Jaemin? You like him don't you?" he said.

„yeah I like him but just as a friend, I know him a long time now and I don't think that we're more that friends!"

[HAITUS] Remember - Nct Renjun ffWhere stories live. Discover now