☂chapter 1: the storm☂

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10 letters but have more than fiction to it.

Girls don’t ever get zits or periods.

Guys can beat up a villain with one punch.

When the person in real life couldn’t hurt a fly.

We usually show our affection for the person by writing a whole story about them. We use our creativity and put everything we could imagine through keyboard and then out through the web.

It would always be fan-fiction because well we were fans.

Here I was in my room; writing. Most teens would be out going to the beach and waterparks in the summer. Then take as many selfies they can and post them on instagram telling everyone how their day was on a small caption. [#fun  #bestdayever #whoa #funny #summer etc.] Like do you think I care about how your day was? I know I sound like a bit vile but seriously, who cares if you got new shoes and a date to the movies? Certainly not me.

I’d be in my room (my habitat) lying on my stomach with my laptop on my pillow, reading a different story each day. It was 1:18 am and it was raining heavily outside. Thunder striked a couple of times but it didn’t bother me since I had my headphones on blasting Nirvana in my ears. I grab a chip from my counter without even taking my eyes off the screen. I was writing my story; Seconds of love.

It’s a fanfiction about this one girl, Aubryn Peterson (Bryn) who’s the cousin of Michael Clifford (one of my idols).  She’s in this love fiasco with Luke Hemmings; they’re madly in love but won’t admit it.  There’s also conflicts with each other’s family sides since Bryn comes from a wealthy family and her grandfather doesn’t really like Luke. Ashton and Calum are also in it but they have small parts because it mainly focuses on Luke and Bryn then goes back to Michael.

I don’t even know why I was so into writing this story. It’s like another cliché story plot but something really is keeping me attached on here and kept me thinking of new ideas and such. I tried to make it non-cliché as possible. I tried to create it as if I was the person in the story. Bringing all real life events in people’s life into this story.   I just gained 3 million readers and just had to keep it up. Why do people like this story? I have no idea. But each day I’d read all the nice comments and how they can’t wait for the next chapter and can figure all the clues up. It was like a motivation for me to keep going.

I’m in the middle of my draft chapter 26 where Bryn’s asleep at Mikey’s house. Luke is about to storm into the house and doesn’t care what their parents say because he’s going to confess his feelings for her after they got into this huge fight involving Calum.

“Where’s Bryn?” Luke bursts through the door demanding for an answer.

“Luke, you’re not supposed to be here! You can’t see her, she’s in bed.” Calum blocks his view.

“I don’t care because I need to confess my feelings to her!” he grabs Calum’s arms.

“You’re acting ridiculous. You don’t need to do this I bet she knows you have feelings for her so you should just come back tomorrow.”

“Do you know what it’s like to be in love with someone who just hides her emotions every day?” Luke asks.

Calum just shrugs and looks down at the ground.

“She wants to leave to Amsterdam tomorrow…because of ME!” Luke’s eyes fill up with tears.


“She’s afraid of love! Now she’s afraid of me ‘cause she knows I have feelings for her!” Luke’s back slides down the wall and sits against the door sobbing…

I stop typing. I yawn and rub my eyes trying to stay awake. My laptop screen blacks out for a second before I could turn it back on, the thunderstorm strikes again and makes a crashing noise. I jump up startled and take off my headphones, looking around the room. The window flies open and the drizzles of rain start coming through inside. I run to the window trying to shut it. It was some pressure but I finally closed it shut. I sigh of relief.

“Jade!” I hear my mom yell from her room. “Are you alright in there?”

“Yes mom, I’m fine.” I yell back assuring her.

The storm slows down and the noise is almost audible. I crawl back into my bed under my sheets and I open my laptop back up, opening the orange w tab. I press against the keyboard trying to type out words. Before I knew it I shut it off and I’m on my phone. The song The Only Reason came on by 5SOS.

When I close my eyes and try to sleep,

 I fall apart and find it hard to breathe.

You’re the reason, the only reason.

Even though my dizzy head is numb, I swear my heart is never giving up

You’re the reason, the only reason..

My body feels so weak and I’m so tired yet I want to finish the story but the song…





My mind feels empty and I feel restless. I shift around trying to find a comfy spot in my sleep. All I could think of was Seconds of love and wattpad. I never got to finish writing it last night. All of a sudden I feel something poking and nudging my body.

I ignore it and drift back off to sleep.

Ugh there’s that feeling again. Who’s poking me?


But of course, it doesn’t stop and I feel it again.

That’s when I carelessly open one eye letting all the brightness enter. I close it back again for a few seconds and open both my eyes. I stare at the wall. It looks a little different for some reason. My head hurts and I think it may be throbbing. All I remembered was that there was a thunderstorm outside and I was trying to finish my story. 

“Wakey wakey princess, Bryn.” A light Australian accent spoke with a hint of American.

I turn my head to face the person who was now sitting at the edge of the bed with his head propped up in his hands.

My eyes widen in shock.

“Oh great you’re up.” He grins showing off his dimples in the morning sunlight.

Oh my flipper flapping gosh….

That wasn’t just any ordinary person.

It was the one and only; Ashton Irwin and he was calling me...Bryn?

I don’t know where I’m going with this story but it’s probably gonna suck balls. I bet no one’s reading this right now xD but it will get interesting and blah blah blah. Tell me what you thought of this and I’ll love ya 5 lyfe.  To Melissa bc she’s fabtastic then I’ll ever be.

And Bryn’s name is pronounced Brin just letting you all know….well she’s not real but Jade is and she’s the creator of Bryn if that makes any sense.

Anyways, stay rad my weenies. Aloha!

-Mara xox

 (Also please check out my story weenie hut Jr’s if you like spongebob and 5sos! :] 

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