☃chapter 5: starbucks moment☃

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        It’s 4:24 in the afternoon and currently sitting in the middle of a ‘conversation’ between Luke and Calum.

This is literally how their conversation is going:

Calum: so how are you today?

Luke: fine.

Then he looks over at me as if I’m supposed to jump in or say something. Then they resume back talking about the randomest things.

Calum: Lukey, what do you wanna be for Halloween next year?

Luke: oh definitely a penguin!

Calum: of course. *chuckles*

Kill me in this fanfic when I say that these two are more boring than my grandpa on Christmas.


I groan and get up from my seat to look out the window. But of course, it was all misty and faded. So nothing would really show.

“I’m hungry.” I say out loud. Not too sure why since I just ate like an hour ago.

“Go to the kitchen.” Calum says without even looking up from his phone.

“Can we go somewhere?” I ask excitedly.

I actually just wanna go outside and see the neighborhood.

“Let’s go to Starbucks!” Luke grabs the keys like I already agreed to it.

“Starbucks? Really?” I raise my brow.

“Yeah…c’mon.” Luke starts walking to the front door.

“Why Starbucks?” I ask.

 “Well what girl doesn’t like Starbucks?” he questions.

“Um…me? I don’t like them.” I shrug.

It’s true though. Everything’s expensive and ridiculous in my opinion.   

That’s when the keys drop from his hand and he stared at me shocked.

“Bryn, you’re kidding.” He sputters out.


“You love Starbucks!” he throws his arms around in the air.

“No I don’t….” I motion to step back.

Can anything in this story not be cliché?

“Yes you do.”

“Luke, you’re acting like a white girl.” I chuckle and walk back.

“But I’m a white boy….” He says a-matter-of-factly.

I sigh. I’ve had enough dumbness from him. Is he always like this? Or is it just in the fanfic? It’s probably my fault for writing him as a dumbass.

He’s really nice and all but he’s not really type..he’s Bryn’s.

And I’m not her.

But he thinks I am.

I just want answers and something to help me out of here. Or am I stuck here till the end?

I gasp out of nowhere getting aware of that.

“Shocked as well?” Luke asks while sitting down next to me.

“What?” I furrow my brows. I’m guessing I’ll never understand him.

“Are you still on your period— wait so that’s why you have a dislike for Starbucks now!”  he exclaims like it’s the greatest theory in the world.

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