Chapter 4

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Warning: This chapter contains 18+ content, read at your own discretion.

Tuesday: Your bedroom, 4:30 pm, Namjoon's POV:

The fight with that stupid guard, Jaehwan, or whatever Jin had called him, had been a mistake. Not hitting him, he deserved that for upsetting Jin. And for winking at him. And touching him. You wished you had just slit his throat and been done with it. But afterward, Jungkook had left, and when he returned, he told you that Jin was furious with both of you for fighting. In the moment, you had forgotten about his whole pacifist thing, but apparently it didn't stop him from being angry.

Jungkook had calmly explained that he and the guard were very close. He had been Jin's personal body guard for 4 years, and he took even the slightest threat very seriously. They had looked more than close to you, but you had just said it was fine, and went upstairs with Hoseok. Now, you were sitting in front of the window in your room, as Hoseok talked endlessly about something. You had been trying to figure out why you even cared if the stupid prince was upset. Sure, you had kissed him, but you weren't sure why you had done that either, aside from the fact that he was gorgeous. You missed Jimin, the two of you weren't exclusive or anything, but you had only been with him since you started dating. Until now.

You needed to clear your head. Standing up abruptly, you said, "I'm going for a walk, I need fresh air." Hoseok looked at you in surprise, but before he could protest, you had quickly walked out of the room. A minute later, you reached the entrance to the garden and slowed your steps, admiring the beautiful flowers as you walked past a fountain, and down a long gravel path. After walking all the way down the path, you turned a corner and found something you hadn't been expecting. Jin was sleeping on a stone bench surrounded by yellow and white flowers.

His tall form was curled up on his side, the back of one hand against his cheek and using the other arm as a pillow. You just stared at him for a moment, he looked like an actual angel when he was asleep, his face was so peaceful. You didn't want to disturb him since he was mad at you, so you took a step back, but unfortunately, the gravel crunched loudly beneath your foot. Jin's eyes fluttered open, and he looked around, an adorable expression of confusion on his face. When he noticed you standing there, he quickly sat up, propping himself up on one arm and smoothed down his shirt, something you noticed he did a lot.

"What are you doing here? What time is it?" he asked, his voice a bit husky from sleep. You couldn't stop your smile as you walked over and crouched beside his bench. "It's around 4. I didn't mean to wake you, I was just getting some fresh air and you were there. You looked so beautiful, I could tell you apart from the flowers at first," you replied, watching a blush spread across his cheeks. He looked away from you and smiled his lovely smile as he said softly, "Good try, but I'm still mad at you for fighting with Jaehwan."

You sighed, but replied, "I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking clearly, I don't like seeing you upset." As you spoke, you unconsciously reached a hand out and rested it on his thigh, and he glanced at it before looking down into your eyes. Since you were crouched on one knee, his face was above yours, and a halo of sunlight shone around his dark hair. He reached a hand out and poked your nose as he said sweetly, "I forgive you, but please try not to do it again. Jaehwan is a bit protective. Now, come on, I have a secret to show you."

You both stand up and he grabs your hand, pretty much dragging you down a smaller path that you hadn't noticed before. "You're not taking me somewhere private to kill me, are you?" you ask with a laugh as the two of you go even deeper into the garden. He looked back at you, smiling brilliantly and giggling as he replied, "No, I'm showing you my secret hideout." You can't stop yourself from smiling back at him, and after a few more minutes of walking, you come upon a small stone building.

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