Chapter 8

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Warning: This chapter contains 21+ content, read at your own discretion.

Thursday: Jin's Bedroom, 10:30 pm, Namjoon's POV:

- You hadn't just been rambling when you asked Jin to marry you a few seconds ago. You meant it, and you intended to make it happen.

- If you were honest with yourself, it had been in the back of your mind since Jaehwan and Jungkook had tried to take him away from you at the little cottage. You had been trying desperately to come up with a way that you wouldn't have to leave him, and it seemed like the only plausible solution.

- And it's not like it was a bad one either. You had never met anyone that you had even contemplated wanting to marry before, but Jin was different. He was perfect for you in every single way, and he made you feel something incredibly special.

- Also, your marriage would solve the whole peace issue, because it would unite your two countries. And Jin would be yours forever. Who cares if you had barely known him a week! When you knew, you knew.

- You were holding Jin's hands and giving him a soft smile, letting your statement sink in. He looked absolutely stunned and was squeezing your hands so tightly that it almost hurt a little.

- "You're not serious, are you? Tell me you're joking," Jin said, his voice shaking. "Nope. 100% serious. I'm not walking away from you baby, I just can't do it, it will kill me," you replied softly.

- He opened his mouth like he was going to say something, but no words came out, so you continued.

- "Last night, I realized that I would give you my kingdom if you asked for it, and that's exactly what I intend to do. We can unite our countries peacefully and rule together."

- "You told me that you had to stay single for a marriage alliance, right? So... here I am! And at least you like me a bit, better than an arranged marriage to a complete stranger."

- "I was being formal to you today because I freaked out after I said I loved you. But I realized that I've loved you since the moment I met you, your effect on me was instant, I even stuttered when I introduced myself, remember?"

- "It was love at first sight baby, be mine forever. We can live in peace and happiness together," you finished, taking a half step closer to Jin and your smile getting a bit wider.

- His mouth was still open, and he looked around the room like he was physically searching for words. "Take a minute, don't answer right away," you said softly, squeezing his hand a little.

- After waiting a full minute, he closed his mouth and swallowed before opening it again and asking quietly, "You really want to marry me?"

- You didn't have a ring or anything, but you got down on one knee anyway, kissing the top of his hand gently and looking up at him, a huge smile on your face as you said, "Marry me, Jinnie, be my king."

- He slapped his other hand over his mouth and burst into tears, sinking to his knees next to you. You wrapped your arms around him and held him against your chest as he whispered 'yes' through his tears.

- All of a sudden, you remembered you had your signet ring on a chain around your neck. You took one arm off Jin and pulled it over your head, removing the chain from the ring and tapping his shoulder to get his attention.

- Signet rings, like crowns, were a symbol of power and you didn't give them away lightly. But there was nobody you would trust yours with more than Jin.

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