Chapter 17

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Friday: Your Bedroom, 9 am, Jin's POV:

- You woke very suddenly to the sound of sharp knocking on your door. Sunlight was pouring through the windows of your room in King Jongin's palace, and it was way too bright.

- You heard Namjoon groan next to you and he tightened his arm around you as you propped yourself up on one elbow. That seemed to be a mistake, though, because your head felt like it was full of nails and moving made them rattle around.

- Thankfully, the knocking stopped, but unfortunately the momentary peace was broken as door of your room opened, and Jaehwan walked in.

- "Get up. You both need to drink this and then get ready for breakfast," he said way to loudly, before neatly dodging the pillow you threw at his head.

- "Drink what? I never want to drink anything ever again," Namjoon grumbled, hiding his face in his own pillow. "Some crazy hangover cure, King Jongin had it delivered, and I tested it on Jaebum. It's safe," Jaehwan replied.

- He walked over and handed you a small bottle full of something pink, and you drank a sip of it, feeling so awful that you really didn't care if the stupid drink killed you.

- A few seconds later, the pressure in your head disappeared and it felt like you had gotten a full night's rest. This must be how Kai manages to party like that every day without dying from exhaustion!

- "Monie! Drink, this is amazing!" you exclaimed, tapping the back of Namjoon's head and grinning as he gave you a look of pure disgust.

- "Lower your god damn voice please," he replied, looking adorably grumpy as he swiped the bottle out of your hand and downed it. A few seconds later, his face completely changed, and he stared at the bottle in shock.

- "I'm calling it now, Kai is a wizard," Namjoon said, looking up at you again and laughing incredulously. "Wizardry aside, you both need to get ready," Jaehwan replied, tapping his foot impatiently where he stood at the end of your bed.

- You glanced at him, intending to tell him to go away, but immediately noticed a dark red bruise on the side of his neck that wasn't quite covered by his shirt collar.

- Suddenly remembering the muffled moans that you had heard last night, you gave him a sly grin and asked, "That's new. Who's the lucky person who gave it to you? Girl or guy?" He liked both, so it was a fair question.

- "Let's not discuss that, please. Instead, why don't you two get dressed and get ready for your terrible meeting like you're supposed too?" he replied, tugging his collar up and looking at the ceiling.

- Namjoon smirked and asked, "Did you kick Jaebum out or did he watch? We could hear you, you know." Jaehwan glared at him, and said angrily, "We could here you too. Don't bring it up again," before he spun around and basically stomped out of the room and slammed the door.

- "So touchy this morning!" Namjoon called after him, a huge smile on his face, and you heard Jaehwan smack the door and yell back, "Just get up!"

- You collapsed onto of Namjoon in a fit of giggles, and he kissed the top of your head before you both got up.

- Once both of you were showered and dressed, you went out to the hall where Jaehwan and Jaebum were waiting. Your nerves had slowly kicked in, but you were doing your best to keep them under control.

- Jaebum was walking abnormally far from you as you made your way down to breakfast, usually he was only a step away. You glanced back at him, but he was staring straight ahead and avoiding your eyes.

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