Did You Know?

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Did you know?
Did you know that I loved you?
You probably did
It was most obvious
And my friends gave it away

Blushing every time I saw you
Giggling and looking at you
Sighing when I heard you sing

But that love was confusing
A mix between romantic and platonic
I knew I loved you
But I could never envision us together
I yearned to kiss you
But simultaneously, didn't

I wanted to set things straight
So badly after my friends told you
But every time I attempted
I was crushed by the grip of fear

Then I found out
You didn't share my religion
It made it a little easier
To let go of you
I thought I was over you

But now I'm a mess
I can't figure out what's what
Do I still love you?
Do I just admire you?
I have no idea

What I do know is
That I was beaming
Throughout your solo at the concert
And that you look
So much more like a man

But I'm unsure of everything
What are my feelings toward you?
Why am I living in agony?

I have to let go
Be free
I have no chance
It will never work
This is my reality

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