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Even as things happen
The world never ceases to spin
I'm dizzy
Out of control

Even if it's expected
Is excruciatingly painful

I keep replaying the events in my mind
And over
And over
And over again
Still attempting to make sense
Of my pathetic life

You were my light
But now you are extinguished

I am darkness

How I feel about you needs to change
Although I don't know how
My heart
Is racing

How can I say I'm okay
When my world is crumbling
To dust
Invisible in the wind
As if there was
Nothing there in the first place

A ghost of the past
How I once felt
But don't have permission
To feel again

The ghost of the past haunts me
Day by day
Consuming me
Into oblivion

Poetry of PassionWhere stories live. Discover now