Chapter One

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"Mr. Grady, we need you to come to the hatching facility." Claire had said over the phone just moments ago. When he questioned her about it she said that she would explain when he arrived. So here he is at the Incubating Chamber building that he hasn't stepped foot in since his Raptors were born. It wasn't long before Claire spotted Owen.

"Mr. Grady thank you for coming."

"It's Owen." He corrected. Claire looked apprehensive but for only a second.

"Right. Anyways, we have a new asset we need you to work with."

"Another Raptor? I already have my hands full with 4." He said as she opened the door to a containment viewing room. Inside the actual containment area was a giant sack like thing in the middle of the room.

"What the hell is that?" He questioned.

"That is fixing to be Asset J."

"That's no dinosaur egg I've ever seen before." He said.

"This file will explain everything. I'll hold on to it until you get done doing...your thing." The large sack began to move slightly before a long claw poked through. It was attached to....a finger! Owen stood there bewildered.

"Um...aren't you supposed to be in there with it?"

"I don't even know what that is." He said pointing at the hatching sack but he knew that he had to be the first to imprint. Owen walked into the room and watched as a body covered in scales, skin, and quill like spines fell from the sack spilling amniotic fluid onto the floor. It let out a small cry like roar as it got to its feet.

Owen was taken back on so many levels. There she stood stark naked. A human woman with her body covered in scales and skin. 5 long clawed fingers and toes, spiney quills parted her hair, a small sail on her back, a slightly spiked tail and burnt yellow eyes. She was more human looking that a dinosaur. She looked his way and growled showing him her mouthful of long razor sharp teeth. The woman visibly shook with both fright and coldness.

"Easy girl. I won't hurt you." He whispered as he reached out to calm her. She trembled reminding him of her cold blooded DNA.

"You're cold huh sweetheart? Don't worry I got ya covered." Owen slowly peeled his shirt from his body and got closer. She sniffed the fabric and then his arm.

"See? It's very warm." He said soothingly. He carefully draped the shirt onto her head and she immediately nuzzled into it inhaling his scent. The hybrid came closer letting Owen place his hand on her head.

"I bet you're hungry." Owen stated. He got his answer when her stomach growled.

"Lower some food in." A few beeps sounded before a crane with a bucket attached came down. It startled the hybrid and knocked Owen down.

"ASSET AGGRESSIVE! ASSET AGGRESSIVE! TRANQUILIZE!" Claire's voice sounded though the glass. The woman creature let out a low growling hiss at Claire.

"No don't do that! You tranq her and she'll never trust me!" Owen said getting to his feet, "Ssshh. It's ok. It's ok. You're not gonna be harmed." She turned her attention back to Owen as he grabbed the bucket from the ground.

"You want some of this gorgeous?" He asked holding a raw steak in his hand. Her five fingered clawed hand shot out as he tossed it to her. The woman tore into the raw meat ravenously before looking at him again.

"More?" Her eyes focused on the bucket as he reached in grabbing a very thick roast.

"Eyes up." He commanded which she easily followed as he held the meat above him.

"Now eyes on me. Eyes on me." Slowly her eyes went directly to him. Owen smiled softly.

"Good girl. Here you go." He tossed the roast over her head and bolted for the door. Seconds after the metal door shut, the she creature rammed herself against it with a hard thud before putting her face up to the small window trying to see him. Owen breathed deeply with anger as he turned towards Claire.

"What the hell have you done?!"


Pretty intense huh? I hope to God that if scientists ever find a way to bring back the dinosaurs, that they don't do this.

So if you're enjoying so far hit that follow button on my profile so you can see when this story is updated and maybe even read some of my other ones.

Also please leave me some comments. I'd really like to know what you all think. It helps me to improve my writing and motivates me to keep writing.**

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