Chapter Twenty

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Claire and Owen made it to the park's South gate as a special announcement went over the PA system warning guests to take shelter. Claire's phone began to ring as Owen went to find them some transportation.


Claire, we spotted the boys on surveillance at the West gate. I'm headed there now.

"Ok good. Stay right there with them! I'm on my way." Claire said ending the phone call with her assistant.

"Get on Claire!" She turned towards Owen's voice and quickly jumped on the back of the four wheeler wrapping her arms around Owen's midsection. Owen steered the four wheeler down the paved pathways as people ran around trying to take shelter.

It didn't take long to get to the West gate. Owen hopped off and was immediately given a tranquilizer gun.

"Come on Claire." Owen said joining the group of rangers to take the flying dinosaurs down but Claire was more worried about getting to her nephews and making sure they were unharmed.


Zach and Grey waited by the West gate until Zara showed up to take them to their Aunt.

Attention. Due to a containment anomaly, all guests must take shelter immediately.

The PA announcement repeated itself as loud sirens went over the park. Zach, Grey, and Zara looked up as the Pterodactyls, Pterosaurs, and Dimorphodons swooped down into the crowd of running people.

"Get going!" Zara yelled at the boys. The 3 of them took off running past the Gentle Giants Petting Zoo. Because of Zara's high heeled shoes, she couldn't run as fast.

"Boys stop running so fast!" She yelled but they couldn't hear her over the screaming and the blasting air raid siren. Zach and Grey stopped in the middle of the square looking around at the running people and flying dinosaurs overhead.

"Don't just stand there!" Zara yelled at them before being grabbed by the shoulders by a giant Pterodactyl.

The brothers watched helplessly as the woman was lifted into the air and dropped before being caught by the feet. Zach and Grey raced after the flying creature towards the lagoon. Another flying dinosaur was dipping her in and out of the water to get a better grip with its massive feet. The Pterosaur's feet went into the water again grabbing Zara but before it could fly off the Mosasaurus broke the surface taking the Pterosaur into its powerful jaws. The large creature then dived back into the depts of the lagoon.

"Go! Get inside now!" Zach yelled pushing his brother along. There was a lot of flying dinosaurs still overhead and some were even crashing through the glass of the shops and restaurants.

"There's no place left to take cover!"

"Then we keep going until we run into Aunt Claire." Zach said as they pushed through the crowd. As they ran, the Pterodactyls, Pterosaurs, and Dimorphodon began falling out of the sky. The brothers kept running until Zach spotted their mother's sister.

"There's Aunt Claire!" They ran towards the red headed woman.

"Aunt Claire!" Zach yelled as a crashing sound came from behind them. One of the sharp beaked Pterodactyls had been hit by a tranquilizer dart and was gaining on them.

Zach and Grey leaped forward to gain some ground of their own but they were still in its path as it slid across the ground. The brothers scooted backwards until the wall of a building stopped them. Zach put his arm protectively in front of his younger brother but luckily it stopped only inches from them.

"That was close!" Grey commented as they stood up. Their 2 pairs of eyes searched for Claire until they saw her with a tranquilizer gun in hand knocking the smaller beast off of a man and shooting it.

"Is that our Aunt Claire?" Zach questioned. He couldn't believe what he saw his Aunt do. He really didn't know she could shoot any kind of weapon. They continued to watch their Aunt as she helped the man to his feet before he kissed her. She seemed a bit surprised. They broke apart and Claire looked at the 2 brother's. Relief was on her face.


**Only 5 more chapters left in this story**

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