Chapter Two

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After Owen witnessed something he never would've dreamed of, he made quick work of getting back to his bungalow even though an unwelcome visitor accompanied him.

"Mr. Grady all of these assets have a period of adjustment before being moved..."

"Do me a favor and just shut the fuck up for once. You people have gone and created something that shouldn't have been messed with. A human dinosaur hybrid is not natural. You have no fucking clue what you all have gotten yourselves into." Owen said cutting Claire off.

"That's why you were called in. Everyone here knows your work with the Raptors is astonishing. Besides the scientists and geneticists didn't create it. It went through special modifications and enhancement procedures."

"What are you talking about?" He questioned turning to look at the red head.

"This will explain. I've got to go. Read over it and I'll see you at the asset's containment room tomorrow morning." Claire set the manilla envelope on the kitchen table before leaving the bungalow.

Owen sat down and opened up the envelope. The cover of the file had the words Project HD typed on it. Once he turned the cover page, he was greeted by 2 photographs. One was of a beautiful girl that looked to be in her teens. The jet blackness of her hair made her light blue eyes stand out. A man hugged her in a loving fashion. Probably her father. The other photograph had the same man in it but this time the young girl was lying in a hospital bed. He was holding her hand as she slept. Owen has only started and his stomach was already churning with disgust.

Subject Name: Charlotte Trinity Peprush

Age: 25

Nickname: Trixie

Hometown: Mobile, Alabama

Status: Deceased/Genetic Remodification

Exhibit Name: Trixie the Velociraptor

Owen shook his head before turning to the next page.

General Information

Diagnosed with Essential Thrombocythemia at age 19

Remission at 21 years

Rediagnosed at 23 years of age

Died October 31, 2017 at 1330 hours

Received body November 13, 2017 at 0245 hours

Remodification began at 0300 hours

Owen turned to the third and final page

Cell and scale regeneration and DNA insemination successful

Human specimen successfully combined with basic genome of Velociraptor along with DNA of Spinosaurus Aegyptiacus and Tyrannisaurus Rex. Will grow a foot taller than a normal Velociraptor.

Physical attributes include:

Human skin tone
Dinosaur skin tone
Human hair
Human appendages (5 fingers and toes)
Velociraptor 6 inch retractable claw on both feet
Sharp meat cutting teeth
Spinosaurus sail
Retractable spines on the back of head
Short spikes on the tail

Due to insemination with Tyrannisaurus DNA, the following are more improved:


"God...what the hell did they do to you?" Owen said to himself. Owen grabbed his laptop determined to learn more about this woman.

With the help of the Jurassic World database, he discovered that she is an omnivore. Her favorite meats being beef, chicken, and a various amount of wild game. Her favorite fruits are apples, pineapples, and mangos. Her favorite vegetables: potatoes, cabbage, and carrots. A wild hunch popped into Owen's head. If she kept so many traits from a human, could she retain the liking of some of her favorite foods? He would have to test his theory in the morning.

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