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 I didn't expect people to actually be into this! I was going to just leave it in my drafts but I found the motivation again and I was surprised at the comments I got. I guess i'll start this back up.


 Not wishing to stay longer, you exited the bathroom and see him embedded in his couch waiting for you. He seems to be zoned out while finishing his wine. He swayed his head in your direction and looked at you with half lidded eyes. You couldn't tell if it was because its late or because he was a bit tipsy. " well Robert, you are a most outstanding host but it is getting late so i think i will be heading back." he visibly perked up at this. You checked to see if you had everything in your pocket. "Leaving so soon? Must I party alone for the rest of the night? Very well, I hope you have a sound sleep." He said in a playful with a hint of dejection in his voice. You gave him a apologetic smile while he opened the door for you. " My apologies for the mediocre gathering. I was expecting a more lively gathering in my house so i chose quantity over quality. " He went back to his default lazy smile. You shook your head to protest, " if this is considered 'mediocre' then i'd love to see what your actual parties look like." You said sarcastically. He slumped against his door in a way only a person that has consumed  to much alcohol would do. He tried steadying himself while keeping his facial expression firm. Looking as if he was going to pass out any minute, You dismissed yourself back to your apartment which you had forgotten was next to his.

 You hit your bed harder than you would have liked. You were conflicted with yourself. What kind of person hangs out so casually with an ex-con? You, you suppose. You just wrapped yourself with a your blanket. The night was chillier than most nights which made it painfully obvious that night that you were alone. Nothing new. The only people you see consistently are your coworkers that were nothing but mutual to you, nothing serious. Where has all your family gone? How much longer will you stay in this isolated town with no one you get along with? All of these thoughts you had forgotten about. You dosed into a pool of suppressed memories which made your chest heavy with sorrow. Wheres your passion to travel, your optimistic demeanor, the love for books? 

The neglected bookshelf just collecting dust now-a-days. You couldn't even remember when you had slipped from your hobbies. Day in and day out was you remaining routine.

 You enjoyed tonight as much as it pains you to say. remembering how it feels to be in the same company with someone your age. You rubbed your straining eyes and gave in to the exhaustion. You curled up further in your blanket until your heavy eyes finally shut.


The next morning was nothing out of the ordinary as you went to work then dragged yourself back to your apartment. You picked up some food on your way back and ate in silence. There some sort of rustling from the other side of your wall. Was that Robert? You brushed it off while you cleaned up after yourself.  You sat on the couch like you normally do when you were bored. You could scroll on your phone for hours or watch some tv. You didn't like either of those options. You could get one of the book and see if you could get your routine again? You went for the ladder and grabbed the copy of "The Grapes of Wrath". It wasn't your personal choice of literature but one of your relatives had given this to you one birthday. You found yourself pleasantly surprised that you had enjoyed it.

 You would say a few days had passed since you've been at your neighbors party. You guessed that your time work schedule had made it so. With nothing better to do on yet another day, you put down your book and grabbed the clothes basket that you set aside. You walked down the stairs near the lobby of your apartment where your laundry room would be located. Your thankful that this place had a laundry room.  You were surprised to see none other than your neighbor also washing his clothes. You were scared half to death. You didn't expect anyone to be here and it seems he didn't either. He looked up from his slouched position and swirled his head towards you. "What a pleasant surprise." You weren't used to casually talking to people from your building. Wherever he goes, no one follows you've noticed. "I didn't expect to see you.." you trailed off while setting up your clothes next to the washer. The room was big enough for one long bench in between the dryers and the washers, like you see in pool locker rooms. You sat on the opposite side where the washing machines were. 

 "How are your doing today?" You looked back while you put your clothes in the machine. "well, if im being honestly, really uneventful?" "Oh yes, I hear you. You would find me in a winery by now, If i didnt have blasted thing on my ankle." "what thing?" He looked at you as if you were playing a rude joke. "You know, The electronic tagging." He whirled his hand, waiting for you to catch on. "oh, I didn't know." He seemed surprised . You looked at the device cuffed to his leg as he pulled up his iron pressed khaki pants. "Well, lets put it like this. They have attached this thing so Im not allowed to leave the building." Now you were surprised. "Well i would say that it is unfair. They had cured me and as im walking on my way, they told me they had to be under management in this hick town." He let out a defeated huff and stood to get his clothes out of the dryer. You hummed, a little speechless at the moment. "I would just have to stay here until they decide to lift this probation." He piled the last of the clothes to his basket but stopped as something popped in his head. "I do wish to hold a little get together. To destress perhaps? I see you coming home from work sometimes but you look so swamped. I just leave you be." He uttered. It kicked into your brain that he was inviting you. Your face heat up at the mental embarrassment. "It would be nice. I'm sorry if i haven't seen you in the halls, I don't normally pay attention." "No harm done. So i'll be seeing you then." He walked with a cheeky, almost sinister smile.

 The rest of your time was just you silently scrolling through your phone while your clothes finished. It was night out when you finished putting away your clothes. There was nothing you wanted to do that you hadn't already done so you retire early. You had no work for tomorrow so you tried thinking of something you can go out and do.  You dismissed the thought as you lazily slipped on your night clothes and slept.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2020 ⏰

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