Chapter 1

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It was the very first day of summer vacation.  The sun shone brightly through the blue skies.  The air was bright and cheerful.  Today was definitely a new day for a fresh start.

Hey guys!" called Turquoise as he sprinted through the Palos Verdes park.

"What is it?" asked Kyoko (PMMM) in a seemingly low tone.

"Yeah, what is it?" called Sayaka (PMMM).

"I entered a contest and I won!" replied Turquoise.

"So whad'ya win?" questioned Sayaka (PMMM) curiously.

"I won a cruise trip for the entire summer vacation!  And I can bring all of my friends with me!" Turquoise happily answered.

"So who are you bringing?" asked Kyoko (PMMM) finally looking up at the little blue anthropomorphic gem.

"I'm bringing everyone!" shouted Turquoise filled with glee.

He continued, "The trip is gonna begin next week, so you'd better help me contact the rest of our friends and get packing."

Suddenly, footsteps could be heard rushing towards them.  As they looked at the source of the source of said footsteps, they noticed the person rushing towards them was Turquoise's older sister, Emerald.

"Sorry that I'm late." apologized Emerald.

"It's fine." replied her brother, Turquoise.

"Turquoise won a cruise trip!" shouted Emerald.

"He already told us," replied Sayaka (PMMM).

"Okay, so I'm gonna need you guys to contact the rest of our squad and tell them about the trip.     They're all going to get invited on the trip," said Turquoise.

"That's fine," replied Emerald.

~Timeskip (we're using the power of King Crimson here) to the very last day before the trip~

As Turquoise finally sealed his third bag for the trip, he sighed.

"Packing took way more time than I thought..."

Then suddenly, as soon as he was about to lie down for a nap, his phone rang.

As he strolled over to the table that had his phone lying on top, the phone displayed the name "Mami" on the phone.

He picked up the phone and asked "Hello?"

"Hey Turquoise!" replied Mami on the phone.

"Have you finished packing for tomorrow's trip?"

"I'm just about done.  Would you like come over to my place for some tea?"

"Sure, I'd be glad to!"

As Turquoise entered Mami's apartment after arriving, he was greeted at the door by Nagisa, a small child wearing a headband with cat ears.

"Hello, Nagisa." greeted Turquoise in a calm manner.

Soon enough Mami and Turquoise were having a small discussion about tomorrow's trip while having some tea during their little chat.

"I think I have to go get the tickets for tomorrow's trip.  Would you like to come with me?" asked Turquoise out of the blue.

~King Crimson's time skip to when they're walking to the building~

"So how did you win the tickets?"

" Oh, I just entered a raffle.  That's it.  Nothing much. "

Soon enough, they arrived at the building to receive the tickets for the trip.  The walls of the building's interior were turquoise blue.  They walked up to the marble counter to receive the tickets.



"How many friends are you bringing?"

"About 50, I guess."

"Alright, here you go."

The clerk handed over the tickets needed for Turquoise and his friends to get on the cruise.

Mami and Turquoise walked for a bit across the beach together.

"I think I've gotta go now." declared Turquoise.

"Goodbye," Mami said as she said her goodbyes and started to make her way back to her home.

As Turquoise was walking back to his house, he began to think,

I wonder what Mami will wear.  Perhaps something cute~

Turquoise shortly realized that he was thinking about such a thing and he blushed a deep blue.  This wasn't right.  He was an object.  She was a human.  Why was he thinking this way?  He realized now that he had a crush upon his yellow-haired friend.

"I can't think about stuff like that!"

Turquoise then advanced back home to further prepare for the next day.

Turquoise's Bizarre Cruise TripWhere stories live. Discover now