Born into Red | Ⅱ

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 Sitting in my baby cradle, I stared to my mother who seemed to be fast asleep, still looking as perfect as ever. It's not healthy for a new born baby to be awake at this time of night. But the reality of my current situation has put me in a state of insomnia.

 I can't seem to sleep. My eyes wonder around the luxurious room, the moons light lit up the area, everything looked liked it shined and sparkled from my point of view. The world of the rich seemed glamorous , I felt a little out of place...

 My late night thoughts start to take over as I stare to the amber ceiling. Everything that happened before feels like a blur "All I can remember from my past was my moment of death" thinking about it sent a shiver down my spine "and Aeonian Moon... this world."  I glance to my mother again, Jaqueline.

 Up until now I never knew her name, it wasn't mentioned in game, and if it was, I totally missed it. "She seems like a very kind person... Nothing like Calista." Who I am currently. "The only thing they have similar was their hair colour...attitude wise they're completely different. That's why everyone hated Calista right?"

 I close my little baby eyes and my mind goes blank, then suddenly a memory flashes in my mind. I'm older Calista! holding her signature axe like in the game cover. I have no control of what I say nor do. I'm in front of June, the heroine of Aeonian Moon, while she's making her way up the Grand Moon Tower to defeat the real threat of the game.

 I barely raise the axe before shouting to get her attention. She trips over on her back, unable to defend herself. I speak in the heat of the moment "How dare a commoner such as yourself take everything I worked so hard to achieve! My soon to be Husband, My brothers trust! My rightful heir to the throne! I'm not the cursed one! you are! Succubus!" just a second later an unbearable pain strikes my stomach. I gulp then cough an enormous amount of blood before hitting the marble floor. I see a figure walk to June before blacking out completely...

 My eyes suddenly open, I'm back in my cradle. The pain is gone but I can't help but wonder "..Was it just a dream...? or a memory of future Calista?!"  It still seems to be dark out, whatever that was, no time passed. Calista's words pop into my head again, ("I'm not the cursed one! You are!") I feel an emotional shock through out my body. 

"c...could Calista be cursed?! and if Calista is cursed and I'm Calista what happens to me...?!" in a state of dread I manage to roll myself over and close my eyes "Think... what is in Calista's past." I force myself to think harder, but immediately snap out of my trance hearing a quiet *click* from the window...

 I look to the window, nothing is there. "was it just my imagination...?" but then immediately catching my eye was a faint light coming from Jaqueline's queen sized bed. A tall figure, looked to be a man, stood above her. My mother, while she slept. He was in a dark purple cloak and I could only see the bridge of his nose as he watched her. 

"what is his he doing...?" my body shakes uncontrollably. A soft light came from his hand which was right above her chest. Particles of light attracted off her and into his palm, "...ugh..." her face looked to be struggling, she moans and grunts in pain, still asleep, but she felt it. She was... being killed!

 As the thought hit me, I watched unable to do anything to help her. I was too powerless as a baby, now my beautiful mother was going to die, right in front of me, I can't do anything about it. I could feel tears rising and I let out a cry! "Waa! WahaAa!!" The cloaked man glanced to me surprised and tusked his tongue. 

 My mother, who seemed to wake up, hearing my ugly cry for help noticed the unfamiliar man and cried for help as soon as she came to her senses. "...! Guards! Help intruder...!" She managed to shove him off, but seemed to be too weak as the cloaked man grabbed her forcefully! 

 Unfortunately for him, the maid arrived with guards just in time to witness the scene. He grunts shoving Jaqueline back onto the bed, before running to the window. My tears dry up and I stopped crying seeing him flee. "she's safe..." I let out a breath of relief  while mother is being comforted by the maid. I finally can close my eyes, and sleep knowing I got through the night...

Reincarnated as the villainess! || Aeonian Moon ||Where stories live. Discover now