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"How long have we been here?"

Hyungwon shakes his head. He would shrug his shoulders but the straitjacket doesn't allow him to. Time is an illusion. It doesn't exist in this room. The lights never go out. There is no window, no clock.

"Maybe a few weeks. Maybe a month."

By now I managed to walk around in this thing. It keeps my arms tight but my legs are free. I get up and walk to Hyungwon's bed, sitting down in front of him. His eyes are fixed on the white sheets, his brown hair falling onto his face.

"I wish I could touch you."

I whisper, forcing myself to smile. He looks up, directly into my eyes, as his facial expression saddens.


I lean in until my lips hover over his. I can feel his breath on my skin, feel the excitement that comes whenever his breath hitches. My mind goes blank and I close my eyes as my heartbeat increases. It's pounding against my chest. Then I let our lips touch, sighing softly into the kiss. For a moment I get distracted, my hands burn with passion, they want to free themselves, want to play with his hair, want to feel his skin but they are trapped. As soon as Hyungwon responds to the kiss by bringing himself closer to me and putting our lips together with force now, I concentrate on him again.

We've never kissed each other like that before. All we did was holding hands, giving each other a kiss on the cheek or a small peck. Maybe the saying is true. You only realise what you had when it's gone. Seeing Hyungwon's dead body hurt me in a way I didn't even know would be possible. My heart broke into thousands of pieces. And as I was lying in the bathtub next to him, my heart slowly giving up on me, I had a lot of regrets. I never told him I loved him when he was alive, I never kissed him, I never told anyone else about us. I was a coward.

A loud beep awakens the room and the door opens, two men coming closer, pulling me away and destroying the kiss. They throw me onto my bed, this time using a large chain to keep me there. I scream, try to fight back but they are holding me down as if I'm just a small feather. When they've achieved shakling me, they leave as fast as they entered and without saying a single word. My eyes gaze over to Hyungwon whose sight is fixed on the sheets again, avoiding my searching look. I turn around and lie down, closing my eyes and suppressing my tears.

Hyunghyuk- I'll fight for you ✅Where stories live. Discover now