Chapter 3

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"Saddle up Buttercup." Chase smiled when he saw Skye walking beside Swift towards him and Caspin.

"No need." The girl replied, standing to her horse's side and jumping straight onto his back with ease.

"Impressive. And interesting to see a rider used to the English discipline going bitless and bareback." He said faking a very over the top British accent.

"Sounds like someone did their research but just because that's my discipline, doesn't mean I'm posh," Skye laughed. "And trust me, us English riders can race barrels just as good as y'all western folk." She smirked, doing a very overdramatic imitation of Chase's western drawl.

"Don't push it darlin'" he smiled at the laughing girl, now back to his normal voice. "Hope you're fast enough for us."

"Oh please. We're definitely fast enough for you." She scoffed.

"Is that so?" Chase glared playfully before kicking Caspin into a canter along the trail, Skye and Swift followed in suit. Both teens were laughing as they raced along the path, sun warming their skin and breeze blowing through their hair with dust clouding the air behind them.

"Hey!" Chase laughed as he and Skye rushed through the river, water splashing up over themselves and their horses.

"Oh come on! A little water never hurt anyone." Skye laughed as they slowed their horses to a stop. Chase smiled as he looked at the view, they could see the vast amount of land stretched before them and the ranch and Skye's house in the distance. The sun cast a warm glow around anything in their vision. It looked perfect.

"Wow." Skye gasped. "This is beautiful."

Chase looked at the blonde and smiled. "It certainly is."

The two stayed out for the whole afternoon and into the evening. The moon lit their path as they returned home and tended to their horses. Skye left Swift in a spare stall in Chase's barn and yawned as she bolted the door.

"Come on sleepyhead," Chase smiled, "I'll walk you back." He gently took her hand and she leaned into his side as they took the five minute walk back to Skye's house. The two stood in the dim light at the front of the house and looked at each other.

"Thanks for today, I had fun." Skye smiled up at the brunette.

"Me too." Chase said. He gently rested a hand on her side and the two leaned towards one another. They could feel their noses brushing together and the other's breath gently ticking their face. Chase tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

"There you are Skye!" Zuma burst out of the cottage, the noise making the two jump apart. The older boy almost ran toward his sister and pulled her into a suffocating hug. She pushed him away with annoyance but a smile.

"I guess I'll... see you tomorrow?" Chase asked, making Zuma realise he was there and switch to very stern big brother mode.

"Sounds good." Skye smiled. Her and Zuma walked inside and Zuma shut the door.

"Where's mum?" Skye asked, looking in the kitchen.

"She had to go meet a client, last minute thing." Zuma shrugged. "Now, what the hell was that?" Skye's oldest brother raised his voice and pointed to the closed door.


"You nearly kissed him Skye!"

"Is that what you're mad at? Not that I stayed out late or anything but that I nearly, let me repeat, nearly, kissed a guy!" Skye asked in disbelief.

"Yes Skye! You've barely known him a day!"

"Huh, you're a fine one to talk! How long did you know Rocky before you kissed him? That's right six hours!" Skye yelled back. Neither of them noticed Rubble and Tracker anxiously watching from the top of the stairs.

"Please Skye, just try to see this from my perspective!"

"I can't fit my head that far up my own ass!"

"Excuse me?!"

"You heard! Bite me!"

"Why don't you say that to Chase instead?!"

"Oh trust me, I will!"

"What would Dad say if he were here now, Huh?" Zuma was silenced by a hard slap from the shorter girl. He gasped and looked down, meeting her burning gaze.

"Don't. You. Dare bring Dad into this! He'd let me try and find my happiness like you found yours. And this has nothing to do with the fact that dad's gone. This is all because of-"

"Don't say his name." Zuma spat.

"Exactly, you moved on, let me." Skye pleaded. Zuma paused, seriously considering what she said but shook his head.

"I'm sorry Skye. I can't just loosen up like that, I'm your brother, it's my job to watch out for you." Skye didn't hear after the word sorry as she ran up to her room and slammed the door. Rubble, the brother that usually offered the most emotional support, followed her. Zuma sighed and rested his head on the kitchen counter. The back door opened and Zuma looked up to see a grey haired boy stood there.

"Rocky, I didn't realise you went out." The brunette walked over to hug his boyfriend but was pushed away. "Babe?"

"Skye's right." He said, "You need to give her the freedom you had. The freedom that let you meet me." Rocky walked away and up the stairs, also to check on Skye.

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