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 _Cardiff 4012_  

Anny's eyes popped open in what felt like, a few seconds later. She found herself in a box and started banging on the top, demanding to be let out.   

After a moment, she heard noise outside the box and then it was pulled out of a wall and opened. She was face to face with Jack, who looked like he'd won a million bucks.   

"Anny!" he greeted, helping her from the box, "I told you it wouldn't feel like any time at all!" She looked around to see three other people staring at her.   

"Where's Gwen and Ianto?" she blinked, confused, "Who are these people?"  

"It's been quite a long time, Anny," Jack explained, sadly, "Ianto and Gwen have long since passed on."  

"Did she end up travelling with your Doctor?" Anny asked.   

"Yeah," Jack nodded, "She di-"  

"Jack," the man who went by Karson looked up from some handheld that Anny didn't recognise, "There's someone trying to get in. Two people, actually."  

"What?" Jack demanded, snatching the devise and looking at it, "Gimme that! .... It can't be."  

"What?" Anny blinked, looking over his shoulder. There, at reception, was Gwen, standing with some dweeby guy in a bow tie and suspenders, "Gwen!"  

"You know them?" a woman who went by Diana questioned, "But..."  

"Come on, Anny," the other man, named Toby, offered, "I was instructed to take you to one of the aliens."  

"I want to meet Gwen, first," Anny argued.   

"Don't worry," Jack placed a hand on her shoulder, "I have a feeling she came here to see you, again... I doubt she'll be going anywhere any time, soon."  

The End.

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