Chapter 2

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Niall's POV

All the boys were getting dress for our concert that was about to start.

I was eating some chips when Harry jumped on my back.

"Aye Get off of me, I'm gonna drop my chips" I said trying to push Harry off my back.

"Aww your no fun" Harry replied, while the rest of the guys walked in.

"Yeah yeah yeah whatever" I said.

"You know what you need, a girl in your life" Harry said.

"Ugh lets not start with this, you know I'm waiting until I find that special girl" I said.

"Yeah but how will you know if she's your special girl if you never go out with any girls to actually find out?"

"I'll just know Harry" I said.

"Okay on to a different topic, I have an idea why don't we call out a seat number and who ever is sitting in that seat will then hang out with us after the concert?" Liam suggested.

"Yeah!! That sounds like an amazing idea Liam, we should do that." Louis said excitedly.

"Yeah that doesn't sound that bad" ?Zayn said.

"Sure why not" I said.

"Fine by me" Harry said.

I looked at my watch and realized that it was time for our concert.

"Guys it's concert time"


Chapter 2, what do you guys think?

Should I continue?




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