Chapter 10

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Laura's POV

I woke up ready to go into Rose's room to see how she is, after what had happened last night. When I walked in the room she wasn't there I got scared and ran down stairs to run into Connor.

"Hey have you seen Rose? She isn't up stairs!" I asked frantically.

"Chill Laura, I took her to the hospital for her appointment" Connor said chuckling.

"Oh.. Well why didn't you stay with her?" I asked.

"She didn't want me to, but I'll be up in my room if you need me" He said.

"Oh okay I'm going to get dressed"

I walked back up stairs to the room I was sleeping in last night. When I got there my phone was ringing. When I looked at the screen it was a number I didn't recognize but I still decided to answer the phone anyways.

*Phone Call Conversation*

Me: Hello who's this?

Person: Hey Laura it's us! You know One Direction.

Louis: You didn't forget about us already right?

Me: Oh hey guys and of course I didn't forget about you guys, soo what's up?

1D: We just wanted to see how Rose was doing.

Me: Oh she's good.

Niall: That's great!

Harry: Little happy their Niall we kno- Ow! What was that for Liam!

Liam: Leave Niall alone.

Niall: Yeah, what Liam said.

Zayn: Okay guys enough.

1D: Do you want to hang out?

Me: Sure!

Zayn: Well we can go over to your house and bring over some movies to watch.

Louis: Ooo yeah can we do that?!

Me: That's fine by me, I'll text you the address.

1D: See you soon, bye.

Me: Bye

*End Of Phone Call Conversation*

I walked to Connors room to tell him the boys were coming over but he wasn't there. I walked downstairs to find him no where.

"Connor you there?" I asked. I got no response.

I guess he went out. I went back up stairs to get dress. Once I was done I heard the door bell ring.

I walked down stairs to open the door to see all the boys there smiling.

"Hey! Come on in" I said.

"Hey Laura" They all said hugging me.

"Wow, nice place" Zayn said.

"Actually this is Connors place, Rose and I slept over last night" I said.

"Yeah where is Connor and Rose?" Liam asked.

"I know Rose is out uh somewhere, Connor on the other hand I'm not to sure probably to go pick up Rose" I said.

"But I'm sure they will be here soon, let's go to the living and watch some movies" I said.

They all followed behind me, sitting down on the couches.

"I think we should wait until Connor and Rose come back before we put on the movie" Niall suggested.

"Okay that's fine, we all can just talk until they get here" I said.

We were talking for another 20 minutes until Connor walked through the door holding a pale Rose in his arms, who was knocked out.

"What the hell are they doing here?!" Connor yelled looking at us.

"They came to hang out and watch a movie with us" I said.

"Well haven't you thought about what Rose just went through and might not want guests?" Connor said pissed off.

"How is Rose?" I asked because I know she was at the hospital.

"She's tired and probably will be sleeping all day ugh just forget it, I'm bring her upstairs to rest" Connor said walking away still mad.

I stood their shocked, something is really bothering Connor for him to act like that.

"Maybe we should go sor-"

"No you guys can stay" Connor said cutting off Liam.

"I laid her down. I'm going out so I need you all to stay here just in case, since these boys have a car call me if anything" Connor said walking out the door.

"I'm sorry, I guess his just having a bad day" I said.

"It's okay We understand" Harry said.

"Is Rose okay?" Niall asked in a concern voice.

"Yeah, she's just tired she did have a long day" I said.

"Can we just watch a movie?" I asked trying to change the topic.

"Yeah I agree lets watch a movie" Zayn said.

"Toy Story!" Liam said.


What do you think is wrong with Connor?




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