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Kokichi sat quietly at his desk doing his homework as he heard his parent's screams fill the house. "What the hell do you mean you were fired??" "Do you even realize how hard it was for me to keep that job?? What are you doing that's right, nothing." "What about Kokichi?" "What about him, he's an idiot and doesn't deserve anything." Kokichi began to ignore what they were saying as he stared at the problem he sighed and closed the textbook they were right, he was an idiot. He opened one of the many drawers in his desk and pulled out a pocket knife he sighed and slowly pulled down his sleeve.


Shuichi had been at his locker when he felt someone run into him he was about to tell them to watch where they were going when he realized it was the small purple haired boy from yesterday what was his name... Kokichi? "Oh g-god, I'm s-so sorry," said the boy looking up at Shuichi. There was something about Kokichi that made him feel different but Shuichi was ignoring that for the time being. Kokichi ended up speedwalking away before Shuichi could even say anything to him. "Looks like you're friends with that other loser," said an all-too-familiar voice, "it's kind of perfect the two Danganronpa watching nerds. Although purple hair is much easier to pick on." "Go away Kaito in case you couldn't tell me and that kid don't know each other he ended up running into me and apologizing. I didn't even know he existed until today," it had always been easy for Shuichi to lie, he had ended up mastering the poker face after watching so much Danganronpa and imitating characters with neutral expressions. 


Shuichi watched Kokichi struggle to keep up with the notes and sighed, he had already written everything down. He watched as Kokichi's face slowly distorted to a mix of sadness and worry before laying his head into his arms. Once the bell rang letting everyone know it was lunchtime Shuichi walked up to Kokichi's desk and placed his notes on the desk right in front of Kokichi, "Here, just give them back to me after school. I'll be waiting at the front gate." "Th-thank you Shuichi..." Shuichi waved goodbye before walking out of the room and making his way to an empty classroom as if he would spend lunch in the cafeteria where almost everyone was. Once seated on a desk he pulled out his phone and began rewatching season 23 trying to see if he could find any foreshadowing for everything that would happen in the future seasons. Granted he had already seen everything but what would rewatching it hurt.

Yo, I'm thinking of making references to my fanganronpa game so yeah that's where the Renzo kid was from in the last chapter.

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