Shuichi waited outside the school for longer than he originally anticipated. Once the smaller boy had exited the school he ran up to Shuichi, "s-sorry I'm late Saihara-Kun..." Shuichi felt himself blush among hearing the boy call him Saihara-Kun 'why am I blushing???' "S-saihara? Are you okay you look really red..." Shuichi noticed that the boy kept trailing off, "I'm fine Ouma, can I have my notes back?" "O-oh sure, sorry I forgot, to have them out" Kokichi handed him the notebook after taking it out of his bag, "they were very helpful thank you." Shuichi felt his heartbeat speed up, it was a similar experience to the one he felt when watching Danganronpa. He was feeling this because of the purple haired boy now walking away from him, yet there was something off about the way Kokichi was acting he watched as Kokichi's sleeve slid up just the slightest revealing almost five perfect cuts on just that part of his arm alone.

"Ouma!" Shuichi called out making Kokichi turn his head, "let's hang out today once you're done with your homework," suggested Shuichi. He wanted to know more about the boy that filled him with so much happiness. "O-okay Saihara-Kun!" responded Kokichi with a smile, he ran up to Shuichi and said "my number's xxx-xxx-xxxx," Shuichi already had it memorized, he couldn't forget anything about this boy. 


Shuichi had finished his homework during school but judging by how the boy acted in class he decided it might take Kokichi a bit longer to finish his homework so Shuichi pulled out his phone with the Monokuma themed phone case and sighed looking at the newest episode for season 39. He smiled thinking that they might actually discover a body this time but after the two hours were over everyone was still alive. Shuichi checked the time and decided now would be the best time to text Kokichi.

They met up in front of the large park and Shuichi felt the speed of his heartbeat increase as soon as he saw the shorter boy, "hi Saihara-Kun!" called out the boy as he ran towards him. Much to Shuichi's dismay Kokichi was wearing long sleeves so it would be harder for him to notice if he had just been seeing things, but those perfect cuts among his lovely pale skin seemed very real. Kokichi looked up at the taller boy, "so Saihara-Kun what are we going to do?" "I don't know I simply wanted to hang out." Shuichi glanced at Kokichi only to see his face painted a bright shade of pink 'is he blushing?' "You r-really just want to hang out?" "Yes, is that such a surprise?" "I m-mean it's j-just that no one ever w-wants to hang out w-with me..." 'But I invited you here? What did you think I meant by let's hang out?' Kokichi seemed much happier with a smile plastered across his face, it made Shuichi feel even better. 

After they had been hanging out for a bit Shuichi had gotten an idea, "hey Ouma do you want to have dinner with me?" Kokichi suddenly went wide-eyed and stopped walking, "I-I'm sorry Saihara-Kun b-but I have to eat w-with my family t-tonight..." Shuichi felt upset but he didn't want Kokichi to notice, wait... why was he caring so much about Kokichi? He wasn't that important... was he? Kokichi waved goodbye and said a quiet, "g-goodbye Saihara-K-kun."


'You lied. You filthy scum how could you. You're useless. Idiotic trash.' Kokichi had rested his head on his work desk. 'Saihara is the closest thing you'll have to a friend why'd you lie like that. Lying is becoming a habit just so people won't realize what you're doing.' Kokichi could feel the tears building up 



God, I can't write angst to save my life. Anyways hope you all like this. I might write another Komahina story so woops.

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