Day 3: getting protective

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(Third person PoV)

Reds phone made a noise, the sound filled the room briefly. Red reluctantly rolled over in his and Sans' now shared bed and squinted at his phone screen what is it? 6 in the morning or something? He looked at the time. 12:27. Shit we slept in he rolled over to check if Sans was still there, he was. Red read the text message that so harshly woke him up.
"Hey Red, we should hang out! You and Sans are spending so much time with each other, it's like you forgot about me..."
Oh, her

Several minutes passed, Red contemplating taking her up on her offer. Finally he made a decision, he shuffled over to Sans and gently woke him.
"Sans? Hey buddy wake up"
".. mmhh. Huh..?"
"One of my friends is comin' over later, you don't have to get up I just thought I should let ya know" Red said as he texted friend back "yeah, ya should come over at like 1:30 ish if yer not busy"

Red's friend had arrived, she walked in and looked around a little, but quickly sat down on the couch. She was a tall, swap monster, he met her at the new Grillby's on the surface just after they had broken the barrier.
"So, why have you been avoiding me?" She says, slightly agitated
"W- I haven't been avoiding ya, I've just been spending a little more time with Sans"
Sans hadn't been able to fall back asleep after Red woke him up, but couldn't muster the effort to get up, so he just laid in bed. That is until he heard Reds 'friend' enter the house. Then he decided to get up and investigate. He hovered around the top of the stairs, eves dropping on them.
"It's not fair, you shouldn't be spending more time with him, you've only just met him!"
"So? Look, I like 'im and I'm allowed to have people other than ya in my life, that fair?"
"No, I'm your best friend, you should prioritise me!" She said as she grabbed Red's arm, Red gave her a look of 'hey woah, back off ' but she didn't seem to get the message. With a pop and a crackle Sans was standing beside Red, grabbing his other arm.
"No, mine."
"Since when? I've known him way longer than you, if he's anyone's he's mine" Red was really quite surprised at the current situation, he figured he was just gonna make things worse if he joined in too, so he just stayed quiet, he couldn't teleport away with them both holding him like this anyway.
"I'm closer to him than you are, what could you know about him that I don't?"
"Well I don't know, but I DO know you're not going to just take him away from me!"
Sans glared at her, a cold look, his left eye flaring shades of blue and yellow.
"Too. Bad. He's not your problem anymore. Butt out."
The girl let go of Red's arm and just stared at Sans, a shocked and disappointed look on her face.
"Fine. Take him. You can both get fucked." And those were her last words before she stormed out.
"H-hmph. She can get fucked too." Sans said, a cyan blush spreading over his cheekbones and nasal ridge
"Wow" was all Red could say.
"Protective much?" Red said after a minute or so of silence.
"S-shut up.." Sans said, trying his best to hide his face in his hoodie.
"Naww, I think it's cute, why do you care so much?"
"Oh don't you start that shit again."
"Heh.." Red hugged the small blushing skeleton before him and placed a loving kiss on his forehead.

( ah productivity? What's this?? )
(Thx for reading <3 )

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