Day 4: closed doors

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Sans had been hiding in his and Red's shared room all day. The day before had been awkward, Sans having got a little overprotective when a friend came in with a chip on their shoulder. Red had the feeling that Sans was still a little embarrassed about how he thinks he over reacted. Red went up to their room and knocked on the door.
"Sans, you in there?"
A muffled 'mmm' was all he got in response.
"Is this about yesterday?" Red asked. No answer, until-

"I'm embarrassed about being gay.."

Of course, he used to like que- wait a minute.
"Weren't you in love with yer Toriel?"
"I was.. but.. I guess I kinda changed my mind..."
Sans' voice sounded closer now, as if he were on the other side of the door rather than curled up under a blanket on their bed.
"Well, if yer unsure, just do what ever makes ya happy, whether that be lovin' a goat like her or slob like me, I don't mind, as long as yer happy."

Sans opened the door and looked at Red for a moment, searching his face for any sign he was also unsure about this. Nothing, Red was as sure as the stars in the sky. Sans embraced the taller skeleton and hid his face in the fluffy hoodie of the monster he'd fallen in love with.

"I love you."

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