Episode 1

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<<!As you can see I'm rewriting this book from chapter 1 to 6 if you're here early excuse the sudden change!>>

It was late at night. My fingers swiped through the Tinder app, trying to find as many matches I possibly could. My eyes getting tired with every swipe I made on the screen filled with dozens of the tiny pixels.

The moonshine, outlining my furniture with a white glow, made me tired even more. I yawned, my eyes stinging when I closed them. How long was I in this meaningless position, swiping right and left? I thought, adjusting my blurry vision and catching the glimpse of a fading light in the corner of the dark room, only lit by my phone and the peacefully sleeping moon outside, just infront of the big window that shot ribbons of dust filled light. The camera was getting close to draining itself from the battery.

I squinted my eyes at he camera that was seated at the top of the tripod. That's enough footage anyway I thought, and got up to turn it off, my legs already swung down the sides of my bed, feeling the cold air dug its nails in my exposed flesh. Then suddenly I came to a halt when I felt the buzzing of my phone, the same vibrating when you get a message but this lasted longer.

I quickly looked at the screen, it was darker, only two buttons, red and green, were visible from the low brightness I set myself not to harm my eyes more. Derek's name in gray letters were spelled on the top of the screen. I didn't hesitated and jabbed my thumb at the green button, answering the phone call. The urge to stand up and turn off the dying camera faded in the depths of my mind

,,I doubt you'd be still awake, Jaspal." Dereks voice sounded from the speaker, tasting my name on his lips. His voice sounded rather hoarse than the cheerful he used in his videos. For a second I thought he got sick in the span of the three hours I last seen him.

,,I'm surprised too." I said, surprised on how my voice got rusty from not talking for so long. I cleared my throat and repeated my sentece, now louder and cleaner.

,,How are you anyway? With the matches, I mean." Derek's voice sounded through the speaker again, his voice as if he woke up in the middle of the night, just to ring me up.

,,You could say I'm not that atractive." I tried a joke on his tired system and was gifted by a slight tired chuckle from Derek. I could imagine him. It was easy, he was easy to predict, but maybe because I knew him for a long time now.

,,Don't forget to fall asleep with the camera on again. " Derek said, sarcasm almost dripping from the phone. He stated the last time when we recorded from our point of vision. I then was too tired to care about a camera.

,,Because it's not like you can't edit it out of the video." I stood up, trying snapping back at him with sarcasm in my voice too. My bare feets touched the velvety texture of the carpet beside my gray sheeted bed.

,,That's for the first time today I heard you say something wise. Anyway. When are you able to come tomorrow? " Derek admitted his defeat in the first sentence. I mentaly cheered. Then thought about the time. Ten? That's too early for staurday - as if I worked.-

,,Twelve? Maybe?" I answered and heard something fall on a wooden surface at the other side of the phone. Did I surprised him? ,,I like sleep Derek." I reminded him of my habit with a smile and squinted eyes, then relaxed my face muscles in realization he couldn't see me.

,,I know you love it." I raised one of my eyebrows and he continued on talking. ,,Too much, in my own opinion." When he sounded kind in the first sentence, he turned into a satanic demon with sarcasm instead of blood, in the other.

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